one thing i’ve noticed about my style is that it isn’t clearly marked by the four seasons. i live in the temperate san francisco bay area. we don’t really have seasons, though we do have very interesting micro-climates. it can be warm and sunny and then turn cold and chilly within a few hours time or within a few blocks, so you can never really be certain just how to dress! today it was warm enough to go without a coat, and winter dressing has just gotten so boooring, so i decided to try out two of my “spring” items: a vintage boater hat and a vintage liberty of london print blouse, complete with little birds in a garden of flowers and berries. i felt like wearing them, spring or summer or not!
speaking of spring, i don’t think i’ll be so bold as to start forecasting the big trends, but i do know one thing i’m looking forward to: prints! i’ve already started collecting a number of button down blouses with interesting prints, especially if animals are included in said print. i think this influence is strongly stemming from the amazing miu miu cat, dog, and bird prints of spring 2010.
i also think this will be the year that i actually wear my boater hat. after falling in absolute love with the charles anastase spring 2009 collection last year (and of course marc jacobs and lover), i scoured ebay for weeks waiting for the perfect straw boater to pop up. low and behold i snagged this beauty for quite a good price. i wore it once or twice, and it soon became another decoration atop my dresser. i thought perhaps they would become passe and that apparently i wasn’t bold enough to take the plunge, but after seeing plenty of new spring collections featuring the boater, i think i’ll still have my chance to incorporate them into my wardrobe. what spring/summer trends do you see in your future?

vintage boater, ebay
vintage liberty of london print blouse, sunny day diggs on etsy
vintage liz claiborne skirt, estate sale
brown stockings, target
platform oxfords, courtesy of seychelles
Awesomage! I love the boater :-) I'm doin my best not to look too forward 2 spring because I like 2 enjoy each season while I'm in it (plus I live in MI, so winter's got a ways 2 go). However, I have been seeing a lot of prints that I like…I'm partial 2 the floral prints.
oh i do love this. the high neck of the blouse, the colours…just wonderful!
i'm still not even thinking about spring…its warmed up since the snow but its cooling down again now, eek!
Oooh so nice! I loe how the colours work together, dark but still colourful. That's confusing, but looks great!
This has go to be my favorite outfit of your ever!!! I love everything! I must say you were meant to wear a boater! I'm also looking forward to wearing my boater again. I found myself wearing mine almost everyday last summer.
I really like this outfit, especially the vintage liberty blouse. Also your hair is really cute, I have been thinking of going that short for ages but am too scared. x
I'm feeling the same way about winter dressing! blah! I'm ready for flowery prints and bare legs and bicycle rides and straw hats! Thanks for infusing my day with a little sunshine!
My favourite outfit ever…..
Love the boater hat on you, looks really cute with your hair :)
Do wear the boater! it looks soooo good on you. Great, great outfit.
Dang, that really is the perfect boater!! I have a cute 50's black straw one but I think they look kinda stupid on me. Maybe I just haven't gotten my hair right yet, haha.
Have an awesome weekend dude!
love love love this outfit. i am sooooo jealous of your hat! i've been searching for one like that everywhere.
"the luncheon" by Renoir is the forecast and what your outfit may have been subconsciously inspired by.
I really love this outfit! The print, colors, style and that hat are just too much! Its perfection!
I think this is one of my favorite outfits of yours! That hat is amazing on you.
I remember when I was going to move to SF I looked up the weather and was surprised to see that there really were no seasons. How odd!
Everytime I think I found my favorite look of your, you come up with an even better one! This is amazing! I love, love your hat! I'm so looking forward to see those new print blouse!
-Coco from Our Paper Moon
Straw boater perfecto!
Vintage Liberty prints have always floated my boater too. Say boater too much and not only do ya look lame but it sounds like gobbledygook. I shall stop saying boater…boater.
Love this outfit! The hat is my favorite part.
Wonderful hat! I've always wanted a boater, but I don't know if I'm brave enough to wear one. But gosh, you look so cute in it!! :D
i LOVE this!! the shoes are my favourite!
You remind me of Coco from the movie about Coco Chanel. She started a trend of straw hats. Maybe one day I will dare one out myself.
Great post!
Dani-Elle from,
Great shirt and skirt and hat and everything! I think that is one of the reasons I love your blog so much: because it's the opposite season here in Australia, but you are always wearing something to inspire regardless of weather. Also your lip colour is excellent in these shots.
im loving the hat!
as for spring trends: im actually looking forward to getting some pastels and more romantic pieces in my wardrobe. plus, im kinda obsessing over wedges! :D
this is one of the most adorable outfits i've ever seen in my life. :)
i really like the top!
and the boater is so cute
i love my boater hat too! i can't wait for it to get a little warmer to wear it. its such a great spring piece…i love yours, its petite, and fits your face/head perfect….
like Charlie Chaplin girlfriend:)
boater hats are amazing, i need one!
Amazing hat! Love the shoes too!
omg you have the same seychelles as the clothes horse! I'm so jealous of you too. Love those brogues.
i love how your tights match your shoes – i need to be brave enough to do that one day (other than with black tights of course)
This is one of my absolute favorite outfits of yours! Everything is adorable and looks so cute together. We have 8 inches of snow…you're making me look forward to spring and envy your weather. I'm excited about prints, too!
beautiful erin! I love that hat!! I was wondering if you wanted to exchange links? I have added you to my blog roll! xx thanks
You pull of this hat so well! Living in LA I know what you mean about the weather. I love that we don't have definitive seasons here and that we can mix and match our 'seasonal' pieces through layering! xo, mel
so amazingly cute i had to repost it.
You look positively amazing!! I looove your boater hat… looks super good with your particular hairstyle too!
I think the dark colors also makes this a fall ensemble ^.^ why wait til spring! Very cute and well put together!!
Erin, that jaunty hat is the PERFECT topper to this outfit (literally and figuratively!). You look so adorable and spunky, and I just love it!
Oh woww, I just love all of your outfits. The hat is so cute, and your amazing collection of tights is lovely as well. :)
I think you're one of the few people who can pull off a boater – it looks amazing on you!
Aw man, this outfit is amazing! I love everything about it–that boater looks so great on you! xx
i was literally just telling my hubby i wanted a hat like that! i love it on you!!
That hat is the best thing ever. I love the colors in this outfit. I want crazy prints :)
Sooo amazing!!
I love your outfit :)
Those heeled oxfords are adorable! I'm thinking it's about that time…To splurge on a pair that is.
I am dying for a boater hat! And the whole outfit is so beautiful. I love everything. That shirt has the perfect pattern, the shoes look like these vintage ysl shoes I wanted but someone got before me on ebay, the tights are the perfect color for the outfit and the skirt is beautiful at complimenting the blouse!
Like, the colour palete and that blouse/shirt is just amzingly insane. Love it!
love that hat! me, i see the cargo jacket that i've been trying to resist buying.
Great outfit! You wear all of your vintage clothes so well.. The clothing swap you did is really cool too! I've been to a swap party before and walked away w/ some really fun stuff! I loved it! The boater looks perfect on you too!
this has got to be my favorite outfit of yours ever…perfection!
If you want to sell your hat, tell me! I dream about it! :)
P.S. great outfit!