adam: 27 weeks


i can’t get over putting little hats on this boy. my mom picked up this straw fedora on sale at gap, and we’d been waiting months for it to finally fit his head! this picture makes me think of adam’s namesake and my great-grandfather, juan urzua roque. i always remember him in a straw hat similar to this one. and a simple button up shirt, as old men will wear. my great-grandpa had very strong mayan features, and we could actually see this very slight resemblance in adam when he was born. it’s hard to say who he’ll actually take after, but it’s fun to see little glimpses of similarities from different family members.

also, he is making the most ridiculous face, haha. i was actually snapping his photo on my iphone and got this cute shot before i decided i should probably memorialize it with a better camera. of course by then he wasn’t too interested in waiting around for me to get a good shot anymore.

wearing: gap hat, denim shirt from swapdom, koala baby leggings.

adam: 26 weeks

i’m jumping ahead to 26 weeks today because i shared a picture of adam at 25 weeks in this post the week after we moved to redlands. thankfully, adam isn’t allergic because one of his favorite things to do is play in the grass. we didn’t really have a yard at our last place, so it’s been a fun activity to hang out in the shade if the heat isn’t too unbearable. and despite the fact that he seems to want to put everything in his mouth, he never tries to eat the grass, which i think is kinda cool.

adam: 24 weeks


and here’s the little man at 24 weeks. this was the only shot i took that week, but if memory serves correctly, this was around the time we moved from los angeles to our new home in redlands. this photo was taken in my grandmother’s kitchen after my brother and sister plopped him into the sink to entertain him on a hot day. he loves being in the water, taking a bath or splashing in the swimming pool, it’s the cutest thing!

and yes, that’s sophie the giraffe poking her little head into the frame. easily his favorite toy.

adam: 23 weeks


and here is my chubby little munchkin at 23 weeks. i found these ridiculously adorable vintage shorts at the flea market thinking that he’d grow into them at some point along the line. but when we got home, i discovered that they’re already his size! this baby is about as big as they come. everyone who comes up to us comments on how chunky he is, which is no surprise because he’s at the very tippy top of the weight scale. but what people often overlook is the fact that he’s completely off the charts in length. he’s already 29″ long at 6 months old. easily larger than some babies twice his age! it’s pretty cool because he’s so strong and healthy that i never have to worry about him, but boy does he break mommy’s back!

adam: 22 weeks

just when i got all caught up with my weekly photos of adam, i fell behind again with all this moving! i’m just glad i still managed to snap some photos of adam at 22 weeks! true story: i am obsessed with baby bonnets (you’ve seen his outfit photos on my instagram, right?), but was having a really hard time finding any that were summer appropriate in fabric or jersey that weren’t pink or frilly. and as fate would have it, i just so happened to connected with petite soul while browsing around instagram. they just launched their business earlier this year with the goal of bringing bonnets back when they discovered a serious lack of options in the marketplace. we got to chatting, and they very kindly sent me this adorable little bandit hat, hand-made right in nyc. it looks like the style has since sold out, but they’re constantly adding new, limited run styles to the shop for both boys and girls.

adam is wearing a petite soul bandit hat, h&m onesie, album di famigila album black romper  from ladida kids. and holding his beloved cloud b sleep giraffe!

adam: 21 weeks

one of the best things about mornings is that adam always wakes up with a big smile on his face. he coos and smiles and laughs, and we chill out in bed while i sing him the good morning song. eventually, i put on some music and pull out his little baby activity gym so he can play for a bit before we start our day.

adam is wearing an american apparel baseball tee and leggings.

adam: 20 weeks


if you don’t pay attention, some weeks truly fly by. i almost didn’t even get a photo of adam this past week, but thankfully i pulled out my camera and got a couple of shots over the weekend while we were barbecuing at my grandparent’s house. we spend way more time there than we ever expected to. a lot of our weekends are spent at their house, just hanging out all day with family. we’ve always been really close-knit, but now that i have a baby of my own, i’m really beginning to understand how important it is to have a community of people around to raise a child.

that long-haired gentleman is my brother. it’s so fun to watch adam build relationships, he has a special affinity for my brother and he always stares and smiles at him when he enters the room. my brother has this very calm presence, and somehow he has this incredible ability to put adam to sleep when no one else can.

adam is wearing: boden breton stripe onesie, american apparel leggings, paddington bear x gap bucket hat


adam: 19 weeks


it’s been harder to get pictures of adam lately. he’s always wiggling around like a little salamander, trying his best to crawl around. as you can see in these photos, he wasn’t particularly interested in my efforts to photograph him in this silly pixie hoodie that i found at the thrift store. every time i tried to sit him down, he kinda rolled forward and onto his belly and started kicking around. this boy wants to be mobile!

wearing: vintage sweater, hansel from basel yachtsy stripe leggings


adam: week 18


i know, i know. you’ve seen this hat three times already… we’re just getting good mileage out of it! that and it’s just a matter of what ends up getting photographed more. i swear, he wears other stuff (see also: my instagram)! i guess he was just more willing to sit still whenever i put him in that hat. maybe it’s like when you put a harness on a cat and they suddenly just lay there motionless? i kid, i kid.

anyway, i’m pretty much caught up on these weekly posts, which means i won’t be doubling up on them any more! and i promise that next week he won’t be wearing a sailor hat.

adam: week 17

i went back through my photos for my weekly adam post, and it looks like somewhere along the line i skipped ahead by a week! i can’t figure out when it was or how i did the math wrong, so i’m just going to continue along with the timeline from week 17. if i ever figure it out, i’ll have to go back and fill in the missing week.

anyway, this is adam with that ridiculous dancing bunny that my grandparents got him for easter. it sings a song to the tune of the macarena. isn’t it funny how they always like the most annoying things? i find myself with that little jingle stuck in my head sometimes, “heeeey, jellybeana!”