mt. diablo

so i had my saturday planned out: i knew that i was going to have a grand ol’ time at the vintage expo in san francisco.

but things change. i’m broke and spending money just isn’t an option right now, so instead i settled for an old dress which i’ve worn a million times before, and a nice drive through sunol with a stop in a local antique shop, and a leisurely drive up mt. diablo to enjoy the warm northern california weather with my true love, mr. garbee. it was quite a nice afternoon, i have to say.

we drove up to the tippy top of the mountain and had a look around. it was a little hazy in most directions, so we didn’t get a very good view of san francisco, but apparently, on a clear day you can see all the way to the farallon islands or the sierra nevada mountain range. we didn’t see that far on this particular day.

brendan rode his bike to the summit on his birthday a couple weeks ago. it’s 3,864 feet up in the sky. i think i’d like to try it myself once the weather cools off a little. i don’t see how all those cyclists were riding up in the heat of the day.

and then we rode back on down the other side of the mountain where we spotted a giant tarantula in the middle of the road, so we had to snap a few shots before we ran away, convinced that it would suck our blood!

brendan was too afraid to get his finger any closer in the shot. it actually started doing a scary dance when stuck his finger out like that.

vintage mod ruffle dress with peter pan collar, american rag cie
vintage navy blue coach purse, thrifted
navy blue saltwater sandals, shoe biz

and now i will relax with a raspberry beer and think about all the new shoes and clothes i want for the fall, wishing i weren’t quite so broke!


  1. You look so pretty in that dress and the setting is idyllic! The spider totally creeps me out though…I hate those suckers.

  2. oh my! What a beautiful place to be at! Breath- taking scenery!I love your dress, especially the white peter pan collars which stands out against the blue! LOVELY!

  3. Those little day trips are the best! I love your dress, & your Salt Water Sandals! You look so pretty! I always wondered if tarantulas just lived out in the wild. When I lived in Utah, I saw one just chillin on the sidewalk by my house! It really gave me the creeps! I started checking my bed before I went to sleep every night for awhile.

  4. So pretty! The colors of the dress are amazing; you look lovely as always.

    I think I would've freaked out if I saw that giant tarantula do a scary dance. I am terrified of those things!

  5. I LOVE LOVE LOVE your sandals. I am a sucker for blue shoes. And yellow shoes. And red shoes…..I guess I just love shoes!

    Thanks doll,
    The Glamorous Housewife

  6. i haven't commented before (and i've only just started reading your blog), but i went to the vintage fashion expo, and it was pretty good! i got a few nice gems without spending too much money. it was in a different spot than when i've previously gone. but still, it was just as good as always!

  7. Gorgeous, girl! And mmm, raspberry beer? Intrigue! My roomie's boyfriend had pumpkin spice beer the other day, and I'm a sucker for anything pumpkin. Unf.

  8. I love the blue in your outfit and your photos. So vibrant…like you belong in the sky.

    And I would have ran before the spider ate me.

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