rain, rain go away

well now, first things first: new haircut, hooray!!! and i must give credit where credit is due: after meeting the lovely jennie of going west, she introduced me to her boyfriend, shannon dean, who just happens to be a freelance hairdresser. he saw the photo i posted of my haircut inspiration and a few days later, i got my cut! it was an especially nice experience because he cuts hair in their berkeley apartment, so you can relax and enjoy a glass of wine (or several) and listen to good music without having to pay and arm and a leg just to deal with rude people in some fancy salon. so if any of you live in the bay area and want a snazzy new cut, you should definitely hit him up. i highly recommend it.

now onto this outfit. you can file this under: what not to wear on a rainy day. which is exactly what i learned after getting soaked this morning on the way to the grocery store. this is what spoiled-california-girl denial looks like. it’s kinda like how they say you shouldn’t dress for the job you have, you should dress for the job you want. only in this case, i thought i could dress for the weather i wanted and… hm, don’t think it works quite like that. though this will work if i hem the dress a tad shorter, and add wool tights and rain boots perhaps. the nice thing is that it isn’t cold at all. just wet. really wet.

i hate the rain. waaaaah. i’m a baby.

vintage cotton striped dress, ebay
skinny leather belt, urban outfitters
vintage woven leather flats, pineapple mint on etsy


  1. This would look so cute if it was hemmed with wool tights and rain boots! But I like it this way too, if only the sun were shinning… I like your outlook and wishful thinking though!

  2. yay! cute hair! that last picture shows it really well. i wish i could have hung out with you guys. sounds like you had fun! we'll have to get together again soon!

  3. your hair is super super good. and yes, the rain. ah, it's a pain, i just can't dress right for the weather at the moment, it's just not autumn-y enough for my liking.

  4. love the haircut….and the dress!!!!
    Don't wish the rain away though, it's fabulous and we don't get enough of it!!!!

  5. The haircut came out soo good. It really frames your face so well! And btw, silly girl for "dressing for the weather we want" lol. Although, that is the same way I think. Lol. We all need to get together again soon!

  6. oh my gosh, you're so brave facing the rain today to take pictures! ;) maybe it's just wilder down in the south bay, but the wind almost knocked me over on the 10 step journey to my car!

    love the dress and the new haircut though :)

  7. i love your hair cut! how cute! and those flats are fantastic as well.

    i got my trench at gap during friends and family weekend (30% off!), but i'm sure a pro thrifter like yourself could find an even better vintage one!

  8. So love the dress..hey, no snow like we have..shiver..shiver..here.

    wow..thats great about the wine and all ..which I drank a bit too much last night, and I wasn't suppose to. Its not even the holidays yet.

  9. You're on a roof! How did you get up there? Was there any slippage?

    Nice hair, by the way – and yes – boots make anything work in all weathers!

  10. I love your haircut I just saw it on Chictopia! You look great with it short! I am in the rain too over here in the Bay! Terrible! However, kind of fun at the same time!

  11. I love that you can traipse around on your roof. I don't even own rainboots so all my rainy day outfits are certainly not rain-approved either. You look adorable though, and that haircut is perfect on you. Wine is the best idea for a hair salon, takes the edge right off, haha!

  12. BTW, I just able to see because there was free screening by some radio station. I think it comes out Friday. I'm going to see it again. It's raining now also where I live.

  13. omg you look adorable, love love the new haircut, she look very edgy.
    and i love this dress and yes i hate the rain too!!!

  14. YOU ARE TOO CUTE. I love your pictures lately, too. Ugh, I wish I had a nice roof to take photos on… mine would probably fall through if I so much as look at it the wrong way. Also, you've inspired me to finally get movin' on my haircut. I've been wanting a trim for so long and just keep putting it off. Too bad I don't live in yo' hood or I'd go to Shannon in a snap.

  15. okay, okay
    1) you new hair is ADORABLE
    2) you outfit is amazing, i love love love the dress!

    I am also a cali girl, and i'm bumming out because of this rain =[

  16. I love your new haircut! It is perfect on you! And I think it's very cool that you attempted to dress that way despite the rain. You are making a statement against the weather in that cute dress! :}

  17. Oh wow! Your haircut is insanely adorable, and looks just perfect on you! I just love the straight and clean lines of the cut!

    I don't like rainy days either!

  18. I miss the rain! :( I've always wanted to take pictures in the rain, but I'm scared to get my camera wet. :-p

    I love the dress, those pictures are just adorable!

  19. Your hair looks awesome!! It's truly amazing. I may have to go to that hairdresser the next time I want a major change to my cut.

    I haven't even made the simple effort to get vintage sock garters yet – where'd you end up buying yours? I figure'd I'd eBay it or something.

    Oh, and those Ellen Page screen shots are from a short called "Crappy Canadian Thanksgiving": you can watch it here!

  20. you new haircut is soooooooooooooo cute! gah! you make me wanna chop all my hair off! love the rainy day photo op too :)

  21. Your face looks so different to me now, but I do love the cut! It's great, very Audrey after her transformation in "Funny Face" or "Roman Holiday." :)
    Love the dress too.
    P.S. Lots of rain in Atlanta after those two pictures were taken=indoor activities/internet time. :)

  22. YAY RAIN!!! I'm so exciting about winter approaching I can't help it. i LOVE winter. I would say how you, as a CA girl would maybe like sunny days better :) You hair looks great! it suit you so much. The outfit is so nice as well, maybe not as suited for rain – the red-blue mixed looks good.

  23. awww I love these rain pictures !
    how come ur camera didnt get wet on the lenses ??

    the grey umbrella complimented the dress' color.. I think it'd look cute if u added some colorful wellies :)


  24. Oh my gosh, I LOVE your hair!! So gorgeous! I am so sick of this rain too, and even thought you got soaked, u look fantastic!

  25. i love this
    simple black umbrella is gorgeous and the stripes in the dress are classic
    the red flat is a fantastic touch

    check out my blog @

  26. Hi from Portland. Your dress is so cute! There is definitely an art to dressing for the weather without looking like a nerd!

  27. your hair looks great! love it.

    i have a friend that cuts hair out of her home and i completely prefer that as opposed to going to a salon.

  28. I love the hair cut! It totally changes your look in a great way. The rain has been bringing me down, too. I wouldn't mind it so much except that I absolutely hate having wet feet and I can't bring myself to give up ballet flats even for a day.

  29. i think i squealed so hard when i found your blog and saw your pictures. it is just so darling! one of the freshest one out there, will definitely be following an commenting :) i hope you're having a swell week, my dear.

  30. rainy and youre wearing a dress? lucky! In lovely rainy Oregon if one wore a dress on a wet day a dress would be halfway up her face. Ugh, oregon + rain= 5 hours of figuring out how to dress cute yet stay dry and warm. poop

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