getting to know me

hah ha. you see what i did there? it’s like those lyrics, “getting to know you,” but then i replaced the you with me because this blog post is about getting to know me… yeah…

see, yesterday i received a blogger award from quincy of q’s daydream (thank you, dear!) and it includes a little questionnaire in which you get the opportunity to answer the questions and post them up on your blog to share a little bit more about you. i started to fill it out and i realized that it would be so much fun if i were to have you, dear readers, ask me some questions, and i’ll answer those instead. because the more i think about it, i don’t really share all that much with you besides my sartorial decisions, or else i complain about the weather or homework or some such silliness. and i think it’s because i don’t always know what people would be interested to know. so whether you’ve been reading my blog for a long time, or if this is your first time here, go ahead, ask away, and then tomorrow i will answer all your questions in another post!

but before i go, i kinda have to talk a little about my dress, too. this here is another piece in my vintage feedsack dress collection. i have absolutely no idea how to date this one because it is handmade, and because feedsack dresses were popular from the 30’s right through the 60’s, probably even later in rural areas. usually, the clue for me is the style of the dress or else some known history of the original owner, but i can’t figure this one out. when did wrap dresses get popular? that might be a clue… anyway, i love love love the print and the teeny tiny rick rack details.

now don’t forget to ask me some questions! what do you want to know about the girl behind calivintage???

vintage feedsack dress, ebay
skinny leather belt, urban outfitters
merino wool stockings, wolford
blimey platform oxfords, seychelles


  1. ooh i love Q&A posts! hmm…
    what makes you laugh? what makes you cry? What's the best purchase you ever made? Do you ever get scared when you're posing on your rooftop because I'm terrible with heights and I can barely even go on my friend's fire escape and so I was just wondering if that's an issue for you, because the photos come out looking really cool but it looks nervewracking to be up there and goddammit i always write too much

  2. I love your dress so much. I would say 40's but I'm no expert!

    Kinda random question…

    What do you see yourself doing in ten years time?

  3. Love that dress! It looks fantastic on you! I would guess its from the 40s to very early 60s, haha that's no help.

    What's you favorite movie? :O)

  4. I've been a major creepster on both Chictopia and this blog (eep), but I'm breaking the silence to ask:
    Why do you love California!

  5. I really love the pattern/colours of that dress, I keep seeing vintage bloggers posting about feedsack dresses but I've never come across one before! Even when I go home to visit my family in Arkansas (where you think they'd be abundant).

  6. congrats on the award! That is so exciting!
    Soo. Some Q's:
    Where do you shop on the rare occasion that you don't go vintage? ;) When did you first start taking care in what you wore? How do you take your pictures? If you had a bunch of money given to you to expand your closet, what would be your first (expensive) purchase? :)

  7. Gosh, that dress is so awesome. I would like to know: "If you could get your dream tattoo, what would your design be, influenced by whom/what and who would the ultimate tattoo artist be to do it?

  8. Hi! Just stumbled on your blog yesterday and am IN LOVE! love your personal style and editorial. I dont know if i missed this somewhere, but what are you studying in school and where?
    PS i am a fellow etsy shop keeper and also a fellow central cali girl (Santa cruz) anyways…loving the dress!!!

  9. great post and congratulations on your award!
    love your vintage dress too. i even love the scalloped trim on your photos!

  10. First of all, I love your blog and personal style and I think it's so cool you would ask your readers to post questions!

    My questions are:

    What's your personal style philosophy?

    There's a lot of cute stuff out there but I don't feel like I have the confidence to wear it. Any advice on what I can tell myself so that I just go for it?

    And the more fun questions:

    Favorite movies?

    Do you have a favorite designer(s)?

  11. fairly new to your blog and lovin it!!! I'm a Cali girl as well and I love our state. I live in the Valley. Anyways….I have a couple questions for you…..if you could go back in time..what year would it be??

    What inspired you to blog??? I started creating one..but it's still sitting waiting to be born ;P….

  12. I love that dress. I don't know what to ask you…where in the world would you most like to visit?
    P.S. Delightfully Tacky just posted that it is 5 degrees F where she's at! @_@

  13. I'm gonna have to reiterate Alexandria's question in asking you what you like best about California. I mean, I know California is, like, THE BEST, but I never tire of hearing people talk about why they think so.

    Haha, I'm going to exploit this opportunity to ask a random question.

    What would be your ideal blue collar job? Me, I'd like to try out being a mailperson or train conductor.

    P.S. I'm so glad you enjoy my tumblr! I've been srsly addicted to reblogging photos for the past few weeks on there – it's such an incredible waste of time and I can think of a million other productive things I could be doing whenever I'm on tumblr but it also serves as a comprehensive source of inspiration.

  14. Oh yay, I love Q&A posts! Traveling's one of my loves so…

    What's the one country you'd love to visit, but haven't had the chance to yet?

    Congratulations on the award as well! :D

  15. Congratulations on your award!
    I always associate a particular piece of music/tune to an era…do you have any favorite tunes, say for 30s, 40s, 50, 60s?

  16. I don't think people try to get to know each other well enough even through the internet. . .it is quite sad at times how that happens. I adore your dress!

  17. Alright so i went through everyone's questions to make sure that I wasn't repeating, so question:
    What song would you choose as the soundtrack to your life?

    * I was going to ask a tattoo related question, since we have that in common but looks like a few have been asked already. Can't wait to read your answers.

  18. Ooh this is so fun!

    My question: If you could meet or see again anyone past or present, who would it be and why?

    Congrats on your award and that dress is adorable!

  19. Completely gorgeous dress! Reading your blog always makes me want to go on a massive vintage splurge, apart from the fact that I am utterly broke. Hmm.

    A few of the Q's I was going to ask have already been asked so lemme see.. if you were a character in a book or a film (or both!) who would you be? Are there any current actors/musicians/celebs who's style you particularly admire? What would be the most unlikely thing we'd ever see you wearing? And lastly – do you always feel confident in your outfit choices or do you ever worry about what others think?

    Cheers m'dear :o)

  20. congrats on the award!! you look so cute on dresses i have always said
    you look ravishing =)

    have a cool weekend cali!!!!

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