poster dress

so this ad for poster dresses has been floating around tumblr lately. (and if you follow me on there, then you have probably noticed how obsessed i’ve gotten with that site!) paper dresses became a fad in the 60’s and apparently you could buy them for like $1.25, wear them once or twice and then throw them away. some came blank so you could draw on them yourself, and of course you could always trim the ends if you wanted them shorter. pretty fun. they’d make nice party favors. or else maybe they’re just really reminiscent of those paper bibs they give you at red lobster.
anyway, the fad lasted for a while and there were some notable dresses made like the andy warhol campbell’s soup dress and these harry gordon poster dresses pictured above. and i kinda remember these being popular again when i was in high school. i could swear i saw a repro or “homage” of the campbell’s soup dress with my mom somewhere and we oohed and aahed until we realized that it would be ridiculous to pay $300 for a paper dress, no matter how cool it was. mom, if you’re reading this, where was that? or did i make it up? either way, it did stick in my mind all this time.

now i really wanna get my hands on some used vinyl poster paper. i know there are people who use it to make wallets and bags and stuff. anyone know where i could get my hands on some of that stuff? or am i just going nuts? it’s been a long, cold, and rainy couple of days.


  1. Dude, I haven't been tumbling (tumblring?) as much as I used to and I totally miss it! I think I've missed this ad, too, because this is the first time I've seen it. It's too early to say that I'm obsessed with that cat one since I just saw it, but I think it's safe to say that I'm on my way to an obsession. A mini-obsession, at least. Let's say a fixation.

  2. in my country they say that some people have two left hands, and aren't made to do esthetic, manual things, cause the harder they try, the worse it goes…
    and i thought about myself like that. not that i felt worse, i just didn't try DYI or something… and you got mi inspired with those dresses… haha, i'm gonna think about that material you mentioned:)
    i really enjoy reading your blog:)

  3. you're just the coolest!! really you find one of the coolest topics to share with us. Your super awsome!

    P.S. oh yeah I would like to own one with vintage dresses, shoes, jewels etc. YOu know anything that says style & fashion.

  4. these dresses are absurd! i remember my mom told me once that she thought in the future all clothes would be disposable some day!

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