darling darling visits and an outfit

oh, hi guys! i’m just chillin on my roof with none other than the super awesome and totally adorable diane of darling darling. no big thing. she comes over sometimes to visit and get her hair cut by my friend and hairstylist, shannon dean of indie industries. we hang out and drink beers and talk about blog stuff. you know, the usual.

anyway, i thought it was a nice coincidence that we were both decked out in furs yesterday. i had actually already done a photo shoot for my outfit post before she came over, but when i saw how well our outfits went together, i dragged her up to the roof for more pictures. so yes, this post will be very heavy on the images. i couldn’t help myself! also, i hope diane doesn’t mind that i’m writing this, but i am going to tell you a fun little fact: you might think that i am tall looking at these photos, but i am only 5’5″. diane is 4’10”. many of us bloggers are a very small and rare breed.

so onto my outfit: i have still been slowly recovering from winter vacation/ a gnarly cold/ excessive new year’s festivities/ etc. and whenever i’m feeling less than capable of getting dressed, i find myself digging through my boyfriend’s closet to look for something comfy to wear. i am currently in love with his vintage levi’s blouse, and have been styling it up in slightly androgynous and super comfy looks. at the last minute, i decided to throw on this vintage raccoon fur that my mom gave me for christmas. i was a little hesitant to wear it at first, but it’s vintage, and i have to say it is the warmest and most comfortable thing i have ever wrapped around my neck.

oh yeah, and in other news, i got a new haircut. i guess it’s more of a trim, but i’m prepping myself to try out more of a bowl cut and then possibly transition into a pixie cut. i haven’t really decided. for some reason, i have the hardest time committing to a new cut!

vintage raccoon fur, thrifted gift from mom
vintage j.crew blazer, ebay
cashmere cardigan, j.crew
vintage levi’s blouse, my boyfriend’s closet
custom high rise skinny jeans, courtesy of indidenim
platform ankle boots, payless


  1. I feel like I live in Land of the Giants – I can empathise!

    You both look ace, yay for layers!

    Your trim is fabulous, you really suit that style. You remind me a little of Tracy-Ann Campbell from Camera Obscura! Go for the bowl!


  2. You guys are super rad! Digging the idea of the bowl cut. You look like you can pull it off. Great outfits and I'm super surprised about both of your heights! You can never tell from the photos.

  3. so can i just say how adorable you two look? especially with the accidentally matching fur. and i love that j.crew cardigan of yours. :)

  4. Stop making me jealous with your perfect hair!

    I have a pixie-ish cut and I love it – so easy to style and gives my hair much more volume. But the upkeep is so expensive! I'm currently sporting a mullet affair and cannot wait to get it cut.

    Lovely outfit!

  5. go for the pixie cut! best decision i ever made. saves me lots of time in the a.m and perfect in the summer with charlotte nc's ridiculous humidity :)

  6. 1. I'm 5'5 as well.
    2. This outfit is flipping brill.
    3. It makes me so happy that two of my favourite bloggers are friends. I guess I'm just a super dork.
    4. Maaan, I wanna see you with a pixie cut. Whatever journey it takes for you to get there, please do take it.

  7. I wish the three of us could've hung out when I was in SF! BOO! Ah, well. Maybe if I go to that conference again next year :)

  8. YAY FOR SMALL BLOGGERS! :) I'm right in the middle, standing tall at 5'2 <3 I can't wait to see you with a pixie cut, at least I hope you will get one xo!

  9. I absolutely loveee your outfit! That fur collar looks so perfect on you.. and I love the vest and layering! Yay for small girls.. I'm 5'3 and I feel like such a shorty always!

  10. Haha, I totally don't mind that you wrote how tall (small) I am.

    These pictures are so so good and I'm awfully glad that we were able to take them since I didn't take any other outfit photos for the day.

    I went to the thrift store today looking for vintage furs (none to be had) just 'cause yours was so amazingly comfortable – I was ready to take another nap in it!

  11. I have those boots! They are so comfy.

    It is surprising to a lot of people how many of us bloggers are short. I remember finding out that Rebecca of The Clothes Horse was my height, and it was kind of surprising. One person once thought I was like 5'9"!

  12. Yes yes yes, a pixie cut!!! You look like one of those people who would pull that off flawlessly! The two of you look so cute together. And I think its true, most bloggers do seem to be so small!

    And I love stealing my husbands plaid button ups, he has to keep his ones with the pearl snaps locked up, ha.

  13. this rules! i love diane and her blog and her style and just about everything. oh wish i couldve been there to hang with you guys!

  14. *i* want to hang out with erin and diane! no fair.

    also go for the pixie cut! it's one of the best hair decisions i've ever made, and i am tempted to cut my hair off again EVERYDAY!

  15. I just did a post on how serendipity plays a factor in my photos. And this post is another great example of the same thing. Your outfits coordinate so perfectly. I'm glad you took more pictures together!

  16. Wow, I think I like both your outfits even more side-by-side. There's a cool comparison/contrast going on. And you too sound way too cool: rooftops, beer, and hair cuts? Sounds great, though I'm not sure beer and roof tops are the best combination…

  17. Wow, you both have the cutest outfits. I love all the layering going on, wish I had such layering skill.
    I never would have guessed your only 5'5" you look much taller! Yay for short girls though, I'm only 5'2" :)

  18. you both look adorable!!

    for a moment, i forgot that you're in the bay area… with your furs, the roof almost looks like snow.

  19. you two really do coordinate so well! i love both of the furry jackets. and i am jealous of both of your tininess- i feel like a huge giant and/or tranny standing next to most of the bloggers i meet, lol.

    i am loving the new haircut, and am excited to see it transition to a bowl or pixie cut! you can pull off anything. ~joelle

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