london calling

it’s no secret: in addition to reading tons of style blogs, i spend a considerable amount of time pouring over street style blogs from all over the world. it’s easy to get into a routine of checking in on all of my favorites without doing searches for new blogs. such has been the case with my current reading list. but thanks to my tumblr addiction, i just discovered a new blog to add to my favorites: hoyfashion (which i discovered via the awesome tumblog, fuckyeahstreetstyle). i don’t know that i’ve ever taken the time to recognize how many incredibly well-dressed people there are in the uk. these snazzy outfits are just a taste of some of the cool styles i’ve found on that site, so i just had to share. nothing like some good inspiration on a monday morning!

images via hoyfashion.


  1. There is no doubt that the UK has some truly lovely dressers. Another location I've found to be extremely fashionable is Stockholm. I love browsing through street style!

  2. Hey! Most of those are actually taken in Paris. Only two are in London.
    Do you know the blog "the streethearts"? Also Nast is good if you want to see more Parisian styles.


  3. following you on tumblr made me discover fuckyeahstreetstyle too- i'm totally obsessed and inspired as well, so thanks!

  4. I love the way people dress in London! it's so effortlessly cool. I want to live there someday (for more reasons than just the way the people dress, but still…:o)

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