
first day back: i am now blogging from the comfort of my own home after a whirlwind trip to nyc. i have already been harassed for mentioning this on twitter, but i really am delighted to be back in the california sunshine. i stepped outside this afternoon wearing jeans and a simple sweater and sorta pranced around a little bit in the warmth and sunlight, observing the first of the spring flowers blooming in the neighborhood: little peeks of pink and red and purple emerging from dark green shrubs and trees.

but enough of that. now i must tell you a bit about my trip: i arrived in nyc on thursday afternoon and spent my evening with jessica of what i wore. we chatted for hours about blogs and life while enjoying a delicious home-made meal and sharing a few glasses of wine. it’s really quite nice to be able to connect with other bloggers in real life to talk shop, and it was definitely one of the highlights of my trip to be able to do just that.

then i spent friday morning pacing around in jessica’s apartment waiting for the mail to arrive. when i left for my flight on thursday, i knew i would forget something: MY PHONE. fortunately, my bf sent it in the overnight mail, so i only had to wait a few hours before things were back on track. then i was off to meet rebecca of the clothes horse during her photo shoot with market publique. it was great to meet the ladies who run the site and to reconnect with rebecca after meeting her over the summer during the weardrobe conference!

so these are a few shots of what i wore while hanging out during the day on friday. as you can see, there was quite a bit of snow on the ground, and i quite like the comparison between my outfit and a frozen confection. i really did feel like a real life creamsicle, freezing cold in my peach mohair sweater!

vintage fur collar, gift from mom
brown coat, j.crew
belt, zara
classic white belt, j.crew
vintage peach mohair sweater, idol vintage
high rise skinny jeans, forever 21
platform oxfords, courtesy of seychelles


  1. yay welcome home !

    can't believe you forgot your phone! i always forget something too.. thank god for bfs and bffs. hah.

    great coat you have there and i can't imagine what i wouldve worn in that weather…

  2. Your outfit looks amazing against that setting. Love the play of similar colors.

    Glad you had fun and made it safely home to warmth and sunshine. Now please send some of that our way!

  3. those tables and curtains in the background are coooool! loving your colors, and those oxfords-so grand!!

    i'd be glad to be back in cali too-im in the south and even we've been getting snow!! and im soo over it!

    jess s//

  4. OMG! isn't the weather here in california CRAZY?! here in southern california it was like 80-degrees today so different than new york's 30-degrees!!

    ANYWAY, you're looking amazing as always! it was SOOOOO wonderful meeting you in person! i'm really glad we got to meet, but i wish we had more time to chat and get to know each other more! i'll for sure contact you before i visit san francisco :) i can't wait to see the rest of the photos from new york!

  5. You look so lovely. I heart your blog, am adding you to my blogroll almost instantly!
    Agreed, it is really nice to meet bloggers in real life and hang with people that understand what we're all a part of. Am hoping to meet lots of lovely bloggers at London Fashion Week!

  6. It was so great to meet you! Glad you came to our studio and we got to hang out.

    Also, wow, you're a brave lady for taking your coat off! It was freezing that day!

    Big hug,

    – Pamela

  7. I salute you for braving the snow with those bare ankles. I've been living in my boots recently, maybe tomorrow I'll dare to step out in some other shoes!

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