mixing business with leather

today was one of those days where my head was full of mixed bizness. as in, while i was uploading my photos, i got that beck song in my head… because i was wearing a leather skirt. anyway, this outfit was originally influenced by my love for marc jacobs spring 2009 and miu miu spring 2010 (see: blouse with birds and unicorns on it), but once i actually got it on, all i could think about was nicki grant from big love. perhaps that’s because i’m just as obsessed with that show as i am with miu miu and marc. seriously, did you see the latest episode? steamy! i also kinda think i slightly resemble a hot dog in this outfit. and now i am hungry. ah, the inner workings of my mind…

vintage blouse with birds and unicorns, missfarfalia on etsy
yellow sash, american apparel
vintage brown leather skirt, thrifted
vintage woven flats, pineapple mint on etsy


  1. Cute! I love the colors of the blouse and that pattern!! Oh my! I hadn't thought of hot dog until you mentioned it… ;) I think the colors are great together though!

  2. The print on your blouse is stunning. Love the mix and your "odd" thought process; the human mind is so random. ;)

  3. I would say that this may seriously be my favorite outfit of yours ever, but I absolutely love all of your outfits so much, I don't know if I could choose a favorite. That blouse is just so darn darling!

  4. Oh, you look fantastic! Nothing like a hotdog! I totally heart the yellow sash. I simply must steal that idea! I give this outfit four thumbs up! (I'm borrowing some thumbs from my baby).

  5. this works great together! i love that yellow sash!


  6. love the leather skirt! beautiful. Th print looked great with it too.


  7. That blouse is divine and I love the combination- style and colors.

    You are a doll and your hair makes me want bangs again.

  8. That leather skirt is perfect! It's a length that I can barely pull off, but I love it on you, and the color combination is so flattering!

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