city girl in the country

with the amount of pictures i had to share with you in the last post, i decided that i should probably do a separate outfit post to show you what i wore for my weekend camping trip at a farm in northern california. the forecast called for freezing temperatures over night and rain on sunday, so i knew i had to be prepared for conditions that us city folk just aren’t quite accustomed to. since i quite enjoy going on weekend excursions such as this, i try to collect functional clothing whenever i’m out shopping in the thrift stores. and last summer, i was more than delighted when i found these vintage ll bean duck boots for $5 at a local thrift store. only thing is, i live in california, so it took me this long to actually find a situation where i would need to wear them. and i have to say, they came in handy!

vintage blazer, thrifted
vintage flannel, thrifted
high rise skinny jeans, j brand
ll bean hunting shoe, thrifted
knit gloves, drug store

layers you can’t see:
smart wool long johns, rei
smart wool socks, rei


  1. your hair looks incredible! I truly love the cut.

    PS: aren't l.l. bean duck boots the coolest outdoorsy shoes around? I love mine for traipsing around in the muck.

  2. sweet! I just took some photos yesterday with boots too! can't wait to post them but in the meatime I'm crazy over yours!!! awesome everything!

  3. Ohmigosh you are just so incredibly adorable – your hair, your style. Love it all. And the backdrop of these photographs is divine!! :)

  4. Holy Moly, I did not look this awesome when I was camping over the weekend….hoodies and tiger hats were my fashion statement!
    YOur close up shots look amazing!

    Come check out my blog for a little Pointer x Karen Walker Giveaway

  5. Your haircut is beyond perfect and adorable. Cute boots! I know right? when to use them…but today in the morning it rained. (at least it did in SoCal.)

  6. you put the city in the country. and who said you can't be fashionable in the good old outdoors. keep on doing what you're doing girl, i love it.

  7. Girl, I'm so glad you've joined the short hair bandwagon! And it's so fun seeing you in mountainy casual clothes. It looks like you had a blast on your weekend trip!

  8. i just can't believe how amazing you look while camping. ok, i can totally believe it. maybe i don't want to because i'm jealous!! such a cool outfit and your hair is the bomb.

  9. I love seeing how others stay stylish in the chill of the woods :) Love the boots!


  10. I know this post is about the clothes, but oh my! Your new cut gives this whole new dimension to your face. I feel like your eyes are bigger and you look so much glammier! (Not that you were not glam before!)

  11. Chic even whilst camping! Loved the pictures in your other post, too. Looks like a rad time was had by all!

  12. Way to look chic even while in the woods!

    Also, not to disparage your old haircut, but your new haircut KICKS ITS ASS.

    nat //

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