ll bean bags

of the many essential wardrobe items i’ve resolved to update in my closet this fall, handbags are near the top of the list (right up there with coats). they’re the type of piece that i often sorely neglect. an afterthought in most outfits and something that i just hope matches with the rest of what i’m wearing as i dash out the door. one reason for this is that they tend to be one of the more expensive purchases since they’re usually constructed out of giant pieces of leather (duh). and while i’ve had good luck finding vintage coach purses at thrift shops and taking my hand refurbishing them, there are only so many vintage coach purses a girl can own before it’s time to branch out into the grown up world of purchasing handbags.
so today i present to you one of my favorite options from an unlikely retailer, ll bean. i’ve actually written about ll bean before, back in the spring when they came out with their first ll bean signature collection: a heritage collection with updated pieces pulled from the old pattern archives. and i’m happy to see that they’re back at it for fall with plenty of vintage-inspired options. and the handbags, well, i want them all! but what’s better than just the design is the fact that ll bean is also a green business that cares about the environment, which is always a plus for a veteran thrifter like myself.


  1. I developed "a thing" for LLBean last Winter, when I bought a pair of Bean boots. My favourite LLBean bag is the trapper pack basket. I learned to search the entire website for clothes, etc., because some of the neatest things were where I wouldn't think to look.

  2. when I first saw this post title, I was like, what, is Erin posing in a bean bag chair??

    Alas, as great as that would've been, featuring these stylish satchels was a nice surprise, too :)

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