outfit favorites october 2

this week, i’ve found myself particularly drawn to menswear-inspired looks. in fact, i couldn’t resist but include a very dapper gentleman as well.


  1. Personally, I love menswear inspired looks. I think their cuts and fits are so much more flattering on me, mainly because of my boyish body type. Plus, who doesn't like anything over sized for those lazy days?

    I hope you're having better weather in California right now! It's been particularly rainy here in NY. :'(

  2. I love all of these outfits, but I especially love the fifth one :) The shorts look amazing with the tights!! And her bag is gorgeous :) Actually, it's a tie between that look and the last one…he looks great as well!!!


  3. i love menswear inspired outfits, they look so chic and sophisticated…plus it's fun to know that women can dress like men but they can't dress like us. well, i guess they could if they really wanted to….:P i like the first outfit, her stockings are really cool

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