little things

calivintage: mendocino part two

today i just wanted to mention a few little changes here at calivintage. i never made an official announcement, but i’m sure most of you noticed that i changed the layout a few months back. it was the first step in the process of moving my blog from blogspot to a self-hosted wordpress site. i won’t bore you with all of the technical details, but i will say that it’s a switch that i am so happy to have finally made and i’m really enjoying getting comfortable at my new home here on the web.

what does this mean for you? you should still be getting all of my posts in your reader because my feed hasn’t changed, but calivintage now lives at it’s own domain, you don’t have to update your links or bookmarks, but if you do visit the old blogspot site, you’ll reach a redirect page. it will take you to the new site, but if you want to avoid that extra step, you can change your bookmarks or links to another really nice change is that i will now be able to reply to your comments directly, a feature that i have always wanted to have! yay!

and with all transitions like this, sometimes things go wrong, so please let me know if you’re having any issues viewing my blog, getting my feed, commenting on the new site, or anything else! you can leave a comment below or email me at


  1. Aw, congratulations on the move! I made the move to a self-hosted blogger website a few weeks back and I’m loving having my own domain.

    Do you think WordPress would be better, though? I do like the idea of being able to reply directly to comments… though I haven’t properly looked at the features that came with a blogger domain.


    1. hi michelle! this is the first time i have been able to reply to a comment on my blog! wow! i will say that while i did love my blogspot, i find that wordpress has become a better option for me at this point. it’ll take some getting used to at first, but i can write some updates along the way and share my thoughts on the switch as time goes by!

  2. i have my own domain but it’s used as a portfolio site that links to my blogspot blog for news and such. i’m so jealous of this reply feature, though, that i might have to investigate wordpress a bit! congrats (again) on the domain name and the layout too. it’s so nice and clean – i love it.

  3. Congratulations Erin!! It looks great and I’m loving your banner. I’d like to change to my own .com at some point, but that’s coming with all sorts of other issues, mainly that I want to change my blog name and I’m struggling with what to call it, and how that will end up affecting my feeds, etc.

    1. oh, i know how that goes! i remember i wanted to change the name of my blog for a long time, but finally decided to stick with this one. if you have a feedburner feed, any changes shouldn’t affect your subscribers, though! best of luck in whatever you choose!

  4. The comment form in blogger is so annoying to me! I love that I can just type my comment here without having to go through 3 or 4 steps on the other pages.

    I am sure it will take some getting used to! Great look too!

  5. Congrats on the new domain. Thanks for sharing the guide to migrating from Blogger to WordPress. I’m also in the process and found the link very helpful.

  6. I never complimented you on your site makeover, so here it goes! I love it! It’s so simple and clean. Maybe one day I’ll graduate to grown-up blogging and make the switch myself.

  7. congrats on the move! i happen to think the new look is just beautiful.

    i, too, have been contemplating making my blog more simple and clean in its look and lines and you have inspired me to really, really think about making the switch from blogger on over to wordpress. do you mind me asking what finally made you make your move?

    1. i think that number one, i was interested in self-hosting my site. i was also interested in getting a little bit more flexibility from my blogging platform. i like that wordpress has a lot of community support, that you can actually reply to comments, and that my particular “theme” is much more seo friendly.

      it took me so long to make the switch because i was terrified of something going wrong, like somehow losing my blog, ending up with tons of broken links, losing the feed, etc. i had taken most of the steps a long time ago, but kept putting it off for months because i was scared. i finally just forced myself to do it and i couldn’t be happier!

      also, thanks so much for your compliment! it’s very much appreciated.

  8. Congratulations on the move, Erin. And hooray for grabbing fear by the horns and going for it! I’ve been a silent reader for over a month now, and thought this would be the perfect opportunity to make my first comment. I love your style and have been inspired by your look. Your photos are great, too!

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