the rapture

calivintage: daisy chain

this sunday was one of those glorious weekend days that was pretty much perfect. i woke up nice and late before wandering over to lynn and lu’s with brendan for a proper breakfast of oat pancakes with eggs and a giant cafe au lait out on the sunny back patio. then we strolled back home to lounge around before an afternoon around town spent vintage shopping (where i scored this cute vintage sun dress) topped off with one scoop of banana honey peanut swirl and another scoop of chocolate chip oatmeal ice cream from ici. then we meandered back home for a nap before setting out on a neighborhood stroll that landed us at the grocery store to pick up some fresh lemons and limes to make ice cold margaritas. if the world really were to end tonight, this would be the way to go!

dress: vintage dress from pretty penny
shoes: swedish hasbeens peep toe super high
bag: vintage woven straw purse
lipstick: ysl fard a levres rouge pur in rosy coral

calivintage: daisy chain
calivintage: daisy chain
calivintage: daisy chain
calivintage: daisy chain
calivintage: daisy chain
calivintage: daisy chain


  1. Your hair is so pretty in this picture, and perfectly appropriate for someone who has a blog called Calivintage :)
    Your photos are always inspirational, and I wish you many more days like this, so we can see many more outfits and photos like the ones above!!


  2. Fantastic! This is why I feel sorry for girls who “don’t do dresses”. (I know quite a lot of those, do you?)

  3. Your dress is gorgeous! Sounds like you had a wonderful sunday! I had quite a nice one, too. Drove out to the countryside for a nice picnic. Photo proof on my blog :)

    1. oh girl, i have piles of vintage just waiting to be worn- some of it i’ve had for a couple of years and still haven’t even worn. it’s so bad… but i do have plans to start wearing more of it!

  4. Such a lovely print on your dress … so perfect for this time of year. I also had a very chilled out, happy Saturday and remember thinking something very similar to you – I guess that means we’re both very lucky people!

  5. that dress is perfect in every way! i love pretty penny, they really do an excellent job and i love going there! i bought an awesome pair for boots there and a pair of really cool earrings!


  6. Wow, I love the straps and colour of that dress! It’s so simple and yet so unique! I really need to get myself to Pretty Penny again soon, I haven’t been in months…

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