filming a bike video

if you follow me on twitter or tumblr, you may have seen me posting about a bike video shoot yesterday. basically, i rode around oakland on my bike all day long getting footage for said video. we still have another day of shooting to go, but i’m pretty excited about what we came up with so far. especially since my pal, jon brown, who is filming and editing the video, decided that the best way to film a bike video would be to ride along with me and shoot in motion. the only catch is that you can’t ride and shoot at the same time. his solution came in the form of an xtracycle, which is illustrated in the photo below. he hitched a ride on the back of a bike while my partner, brendan, rode along with me. it must have been a pretty silly sight if you happened to see us ride past!

i have more photos and things to share, but for now i thought i would just show you this teeny tiny sneak peek!


  1. can’t wait to see the video! sounds like it will be lots of fun! i would love to do a bike video… you have just inspired me to do one too! eek how fun!


  2. I saw the video-shoot tweet!
    Yes do post it soon, must be cute.
    I love you and your bike routines, seriously. I rarely use my bike and I missed it a lot!

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