mood board

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i woke up this morning at 4:45am because i wasn’t feeling well. as is my solution when this happens, i plopped myself in front of the computer to distract myself and pass the time as the sun rose up behind me. and during those wee hours of the morning, i finally did it. i fell down the rabbit hole. i started using pinterest.

i signed up for an account some months back and played around with it here and there, but for the most part had been avoiding the addiction of yet another social media platform. but after hearing so much hype, i finally decided to give it a fair chance and spent some time building up a few mood boards. a few of my favorite categories thus far are cycle chic, beret baby, cat cat cat, and plants dance.

so if you’re curious to see how i spent my morning, you can find me on pinterest right here.

so tell me, have you resisted temptation, or are you a pinterest addict? if you have an account, i’d love for you to share your link with me!


  1. Oohf, I held out for so long but I finally signed up for an account this week.
    Lets just say I was supposed to visit my parents today and decided to postpone the trip until tomorrow morning because I spent my entire afternoon adding things from my google reader.

    haha, actually – once I finished looking at all the starred stuff and started looking at recently updated blogs again, yours was the first post I clicked on and you’re talking about that same pinterest rabbit hole!

  2. pinterest is a great way to spend those sleepless nights. i usually find myself pinning crafts i don’t end up making or clothes that i can’t afford. i have found lots of delicious recipes, adorable tiny cute kitties and great ideas for new outfits. i would love a follow, your style is INCREDIBLE.

  3. Erinnnn, Now I can repin you directly. Sweet! When I first started, I always pinned your stuff (from here and tumblr). I’m stoked to follow your boards. I’m pretty selective of what I pin, but I foresee you inspiring many repins. hooray for rabbit holes.

  4. Oh no, now you’ve gone and done it! There’s no turning back, you’re addicted. LOL!
    I’m following you in return, lovely! ^_^

    ♥ Aya

  5. Pinning is indeed an addiction – as soon as you start to wield (i.e. figure out) it’s crazy power, you’re hooked!
    It’s fun to play with digital bulletin boards – I just wish the user had more control over their boards. Like for comments, it would be nice to disable/hide them, and to have a feature to stop people from adding us to their group Boards. Minor pinning pet peeves! ;)
    You can find my mostly-art & design/vintage Pinning self here = – already following your pretty boards :)

  6. I’ve been slowing playing around with Pinterest since I joined a few weeks ago. I haven’t hit addicted status yet, but since it’s so easy to pin and re-pin, I’m sure I’ll get there soon. Love your boards, Erin! The beret one is awesome! And I just followed you. xoxo

  7. I’ve been on Pinterest for a couple of months now and I am so completely addicted. But I HAVE used inspiration to organize my hats and jewelry, start a t-shirt rug, make some St. Pat’s jewelry, and piles of recipes. I’ve always used the internet for inspiration, but saving pages to Word files really wasn’t user-friendly, despite my best efforts. I have subbed to so many blogs that I’m not repinning much, unless I’m sitting in the car and working from my phone. I see that there are problems involved with copyright issues, and I hope that it doesn’t doom Pinterest – not to mention the scarier things.

  8. Gosh, I’ve got it bad for Pinterest, too. It’s proven to be really helpful, though, when I’m trying to come up with ideas for class projects (I’m studying design), or when I’m trying to redecorate or something. It’s helped me cut down on throwing all of my internet likes into bookmark folders and then just forgetting about them. I actually use them now! But I also waste way too much time on there, so I guess it also has a downside!


    I’ll DO IT!…like you I have an account…from last year I made maybe around this time…but I never used it…I didnt want ANOTHER addiction…BUT OK…I WILL USE IT…I WILL XD

  10. My pinterest is I’ve had the account for a year.. but I hadn’t spent much time on the site. I’m forever keeping pictures and other ideas on my laptop for years so the site has become essential.

    I love your outfits it makes me want to have more fun and vintage in my wardrobe

    Thanks from a British girl in Munich

  11. love pinterest. it helps me (someone who longs to be neat and organized) keep all sources of inspiration neat and organized (which i used to do on folders on my desktop – seem so archaic now! ha!) looking forward to following you — especially “cat, cat. cat” :)

    here’s my pinterest:

  12. I started using Pinterest over a year ago when it was still in beta mode. It’s been fun to see how it’s evolved over the past 18 months. So much great inspiration, and as a designer and illustrator, it’s an especially great way to keep track of trends and see what all the trendsetters are pinning!

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