victory spring 2013

while visiting portland this weekend, i stumbled upon local shop, victory, and decided to stop in. i was still a bit disoriented from the flight, but i recognized the name of the shop and figured it would be worth a browse. and wouldn’t you know, but there sitting at the counter was shop owner nicole. both of us recognized each other immediately, but it took us just a moment to place each other as “girls of the internet” who have never met in real life, but may have been following each other for a number of years. yes, we are such a strange breed of internet ladies. we sat and talked about clothes and the internet and portland, and i ooh-ed and ahh-ed at her selection of tomboyish goods. so today i thought i’d share her recently released spring 2013 lookbook so you can see some of the selection for yourself! which you can also conveniently shop right here.


  1. I saw tomboy and my ears starting burning. i kinda love that its in vogue these days. I just dropped by the site and saw the price points THIS I CAN DO! ACK! Loves!!!!!!

    1. i know! it’s such an interesting phenomenon. i don’t know how many times i have met someone for the first time ‘in real life’ and basically embraced them with a giant bear hug and then carried on as if we’d been best friends for years. amazing how well we can connect with someone even with a large physical space between us. i was trying to explain it to my boyfriend’s mom this weekend and she literally couldn’t understand it. she asked me if it was like having a pen pal, but somehow the connection can sometimes feel so much stronger than just writing notes to one another.

  2. Yay! What a great combo of things! I designed that hat and was so tickled to see it here, and how well they styled it at Victory! =)

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