welcome edith!


if you follow me on instagram or facebook, then you may have already heard the good news… my little baby girl was born on april 26 at 10:10am. her name is edith, and i am in love. the birth went so well that i was able to go home after two days, even with a c section. and i’ve just being doing my best to rest and recover while our little family adjusts to our new addition. so far, adam is insanely excited about her. he asks to hold her in his lap, and still doesn’t quite understand why she sleeps all the time and doesn’t know how to talk haha. we are all so excited and i can’t wait to share more photos and talk more about my experience as a now mother of two!


  1. OMG congrats!! She is just perfect, look at her! Love the bonnet so much! Was your C Section planned? Glad you’re OK anyway. I had an emergency c section and recovery was tough so I don’t know what to expect for number 2 (not even pregnant yet, haha). x

    1. yes, it was planned! this lovely little girl was breach and they were also not comfortable allowing me to try for a vbac. it was still terrifying, but it actually went way better than the previous time because i knew what to expect and was able to take more control over what was going on because i was prepared! so far, even the recovery is going better!

  2. That is cute that Adam wants her to not sleep so much and to talk to him. How adorable!!! Congratulations. Edith is beautiful and that is amazing you had a really good delivery even with a C-section. Great work!

    1. oh, p.s. she was smaller than adam! she was 21.5″ long, and 9lbs. not way smaller, but they pumped me full of lots of liquids before the surgery, i hear that they are just waterlogged when they’re born via c-section. she dropped to 8lbs 6oz within 24 hours. such a trip because she seems so tiny compared to her brother. and now he seems like a giant haha!

      1. That is so funny! Everything feels easier after a nearly 10 pound baby! haha. I felt the same way with my second being so much smaller than the first. That is intense to think that she dropped in weight after the C-section! I never knew that happened.

        Edith is a tall girl! You’re tall though too right? I think you had stated you were at some point?

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