ooh baby baby

ok you guys, consider this my first baby post. i’ve been pretty hesitant to share too much in the way of baby stuff just because this space has always been strictly about fashion and personal style. but i also have to admit that my life is changing pretty dramatically these days. we’ve been working on our apartment, trying to make it nice and proper for baby and family. and we’re even beginning to hunt for a proper house to buy, which is such a huge step for us beyond having the baby. so with a bit of encouragement from you guys (after asking the question on facebook), i’ll be throwing a few baby-centric posts into the mix so you’ll have a better idea of what’s going on in my world. i don’t have plans to become a mommy blogger, but even me, with my cold, cold heart can’t resist tiny things made for teeny tiny people!

enter misha and puff. i’d actually seen a few pieces floating around pinterest back when this baby was but a twinkle in my eye. looking through their fall selection seriously makes me wish i could knit anything other than a scarf. i can only imagine that our grandmothers spent many an hour knitting together little clothes just like this! i may or may not attempt to make one of those little pointed bonnets. or else i’ll just cave and buy it.

and in other news, i finally decided to make my baby pinterest board public so you can follow along if you’re looking for inspiration, or just want to squeal at all the cute baby stuff. i started the board back when i found out i was pregnant, but i didn’t want people getting any ideas before i was ready to make the announcement. then i worried that i would be spamming my followers with baby stuff. then i realized i was just over-thinking it. i mean seriously, how can you resist this much cute?