i asked fellow blogger, siri, of ringo, have a banana! to tell us a few fun facts about herself. i love reading her blog which is filled with beautiful images, her daily style, and an incredible collection of shoes!
Name: Siri
Age: 24
Occupation: Film student and freelance journalist. I’m inches away from earning my BA in Film Studies at Brooklyn College. Film Studies doesn’t actually involve making films (though I did make a short Super8 film last year), instead I spend hours a day watching movies, discussing them, and writing papers about them. I keep meaning to start a film blog…anyways, I grew up in the San Juan Islands in Washington State and spent several years living in California before I moved to NYC to finish school. My heart definitely belongs to the West Coast–my ideal day involves the beach, bicycles, thrift stores and a burrito or two. I’m also trying to keep my career as a freelance journalist afloat, and so far I’ve had several small pieces published in BUST Magazine.
favorite food: Avocados and Reed’s Ginger Brew
favorite color: A tie between green and yellow
what do you collect: Fancy shoes that I will never wear out of the house, little dresses, vintage milk glass, big vintage rings, Franciscan Rose dishes, cat ephemera
favorite online destination right now: I just love turnedout.tv, I got to meet the woman behind it the other day and she is so brilliant and fun! Bonadrag.com to daydream about things I want but still can’t quite afford, and I adore both thethinkingtank.wordpress.com and portillon.wordpress.com for their eyes for simplicity, beauty and elegance.
define your style: I get a lot of inspiration from streetstyle photos and movies that I love, like Harold and Maude, The Passenger, Dazed & Confused and 3 Women. Often what inspires me isn’t a specific look but a mood, a feeling or a color scheme, and to those ends I also love the photographs of William Eggleston and the artwork of Egon Schiele.
links, please:
oh yes, i love this girl, she has the best vintage things ever!!!
thank you for the link, so i checked it out and i love all the buckle boots ha!
i actually got some vintage ankle boots kinda like the first ones.
but yeah the original studded boots are so expensive!!=(
Yayaya! Love the photo collage you made! Thanks girl ;n D
i've always liked her style, especially when its accompanied with a yellow backround. I'm a sucker for yellow.
i love her! she has the cutest finds!
siri, i'm glad you like it! although, it's you who made it so cute!!! ;)
i love hers outfits!