today i got a request for a few gift ideas for the expectant mother. since i’m sitting here trying to patiently wait for the baby to come in the middle of the holiday season, i may have spent my fair share of time laying on the couch thinking about what kinds of little luxuries would help me get through to the end. so since you’ve asked, here are some suggestions off my very own little wish list. it’s by no means comprehensive, but at this stage in my pregnancy, i can tell you that these types of gifts are pretty much the only thing on my mind.
1. hatch-to-hospital box: i’ve had my eye on this gift box for my entire pregnancy. honestly, it’s the type of gift that would make anyone happy whether pregnant or not. a super soft and stretchy jersey nightgown and robe, cashmere socks, and comfy undies? i want to live in this set and i know it will come in super handy on the big day. trust me when i say that comfort is key. the woes of pregnancy are many, so simple things like this make a world of difference.

2. herbivore botanicals makes some pretty lovely products like this complete spa gift set. the calm sea salts are made with dead sea and himalayan pink salt, scented with ylang ylang and vanilla. and the rose lip balm sounds divine. it’s one of those perfectly superfluous luxuries that makes anyone feel pampered. and it’s easy to forget to pamper yourself when you’re busy nesting and trying to wrap things up at work before going on maternity leave. i’m telling you, it’s the little things!

3. in the same vein, i’m kind of obsessed with the idea of getting myself a luxurious little travel set for the hospital like this aesop jet set kit. no, i am not about to jet off to some glamorous locale, but i wouldn’t mind feeling pampered at the hospital. and i’ve been told that the first bath or shower after giving birth is one of the best experiences ever. might as well make it count!

4. fog linen work slippers. yes, this list is all about maxin’ and relaxin’. i’m gonna need a nice pair of slippers to shuffle around in pre- and post-baby. in fact, who doesn’t like a good pair of house slippers? i’m particularly picky about such things and just can’t see myself in big fuzzy mocs, so this minimalist pair in linen is right up my alley.

5. dyptique candles. ok, they don’t have to be by dyptique, but i am personally infatuated with the crisp, clean scent of these candles, and it has become a daily routine for me to light different scents in different rooms to change the mood around the house and get relaxed. before my pregnancy, i never thought so much about pleasant smells before, but now i am almost obsessed. i know this isn’t the case for everyone: i for one, couldn’t stand most smells for the first four months. but nowadays, i can’t get enough of these!
6. massage and body work. when i discovered my prenatal chiropractor, it changed my world. i go to a place where they specialize in mothers-to-be, and a chiropractic session starts with a massage and ends with an alignment. they are also able to apply the webster technique to move the baby within the womb so that he or she is in optimal birthing position. for me, it has been a godsend because this little dude likes to cram his entire butt underneath my rib cage causing me almost constant discomfort and pain. now my only regret is that i hadn’t been seeing someone sooner. while these services are often covered at least in part by insurance companies, not everyone is so lucky. a gift card to a good spot would certainly mean a lot to a very uncomfortable mama.
7. spa day. another fun option is to invite your bestie on a spa day at a place that is able to accommodate pregnant women. i for one, can’t even reach my feet anymore without a struggle, so having someone massage and pedicure my toes is pretty special. and again, any opportunity to try and relax is not only good for an expectant mom, but also for baby.