not vintage?

wow, i just realized something about my outfit for today: it would be completely contemporary if not for that little bow in my hair! (which happens to be a little vintage bow tie that i decided to fasten on top of my head.) thing is, i have plenty of luck when it comes to dresses, but i hardly ever find vintage coats that i like. they never seem to fit quite right and they often come in strange, unflattering silhouettes, when all i really want is a nice, slim fit. enter h&m. not only did i find a trench coat that fits, but it came in navy blue. heaven on earth! i am one of the few people in the world who cannot wear khaki, and i’m sick of black coats, so yes, i am happy as a clam.

it’s like with shoes. i just prefer more modern, or dare i say, trendy styles. i love all of the cute, “vintage inspired” styles that come out, but i appreciate that i can get them with platform toes and more substantial heels. and so i have a closet full of new shoes in classic styles, and i’m slowly collecting more modern coats as well. one thing i find interested about shopping for coats is that all of the magazines will advise us ladies to “invest” in a classic coat, but i really don’t see why! the other day, i did some mall shopping and was completely pleased with the selections at places like h&m, gap, and even old navy. for reals.

and now i have no excuse but to go do laundry. yesterday it rained and so i reasoned that i would have to stay inside and watch hours of tv and drink lots of hot tea. today? no such luck!

vintage bow tie as a headband, gift from mom
navy blue trench coat, h&m
brown tights, target
platform oxfords, courtesy of seychelles


  1. I love your outfit! you look lovely as always! I want that coat too! love the shoes and tights! and your hair is super adorable!
    oh my my my I want it all!

  2. god! your hair is so cute! i have TWO coats from H&M. i love them. i am so in for a meet up btw. it'd be fun to have shannon, me, you and your bf meet up sometime too!

  3. That trench is gorgeous!! You never seize to amaze me with each outfit you create- you are always so lovely!


  4. lovely! i have a pair of brown tights that never get worn, but maybe i'll try something like this :)

    i actually got the newest lula from borders in union square. i was browsing and surprise! it was sitting neatly, set apart from the other fashion mags. there were only three, so i grabbed one!

  5. oooh i love your trench! you look lovely as usual! i got a coat from h&m last week, also in navy. i'll have to try it with brown tights like you, its a gorgeous colour combination :)

  6. i think it's kinda silly to invest in one coat because winter is three months long! dont put all your eggs in one basket as they say!

    i love your navy trench! how fun.

  7. Love the coat, looks great. I'm trying to find a coat in that exact colour. It's proving to be a hard task!
    Rianna Bethany xxxxxxxxxxxxx

  8. I love the colors here. those tights are awesome! thanks for the comment on my blog too! :)


  9. I really love this contemporary look!! The trench looks amazing on you and love the navy blue and brown color combination!!

  10. I love the way you wore the vintage bow tie in your hair!
    Lovely outfit too. I really like the colour of the tights together with the blue coat

  11. I have to say 2 things- 1. u look amazing here!!! 2. Ur hair really suites u soo much, makes ur stunning features stand out even more!! : ) xxx

  12. gosh im obsseed with this look . navy blue and red never fails to impress me . especially when your shoes are just about the same shade as ur tights..
    am gonna follow ur blog !!

  13. Lovely outfit! Yes, such beautiful navy coats are not easy finds and you look so beautiful in it. Love how you pair it with the brown tights!

  14. I absolutely love the combination of the blue trench with the brown tights and shoes. It is really stunning. Great look…I may have to head down to H&M and check out the trenches soon:)

  15. eep, i just saw your haircut for the first time- it looks FABULOUS!! the bow in your hair is so cute, and your trench is perfect! ~joelle

  16. Happy Wednesday, sweetness and light. :) The coat is marvelous, especially the fit and length. And, kudos for pairing such a great color of tights with navy blue. I'm so into burgundy and wine right now.

  17. what a great outfit! It looks totally vintage.. the first pic is just perfect! and i love the streamline-ness of the brown tights and brown oxfords.

  18. i adore the monochramatic red tights against the red shoes
    so gorgeous
    and the beautiful jacket is flawless
    thanks for sharing

    check out my blog @

  19. tell me where does a girl find wine colored tights…jeez those are cute and it's as if they came with the shoes! i'm with you on the coat problem, actually i tried a trench just yesterday at the thrift store, it had this adorable fur lined hood and everything, but was ALL wrong once i got it on…whats with that? i'm diggin' the navy blue on you too – great choice!
    gonna go tights shopping at target now… :)

  20. That trench is amazing!
    Also, I think the trim works really nicely with your images…I was actually considering copying you at some point. :) And now I'm looking forward to your Halloween costume.

  21. So adorably cute! I stumbled upon your blog and fell in love with it before I could blink. I too love vintage but I don't have the money to buy the cute clothes. But I work with what I have. I am now a follower :]

    Later love, Kat

  22. What a fantastic coat…I know what you mean when you say that good vintage coats are hard to find! They are almost always too bulky and the silhouettes never agree with me. I've found a few years ago that I'm okay with but I rarely ever wear them.

    And gosh, your haircut is really working for you! It just looks so perfect here.

  23. I need a new trench. Or any trench. And a rain jacket. But I’m leaving the states and this cool weather in a couple months. I’ll be back next year for the same dreary weather. But the question is: should I wait until then to buy these essential items?

  24. That is such a gorgeous color trench coat! Such a perfect navy blue.
    I have trouble finding good vintage coats too. I know what you mean about some of the unflattering styles out there.
    Gorgeous outfit!

  25. Coats are my vice. I love them so. I accidentally forgot mine at home though. Mom's only mailing one to ensure that I remember them next time.

  26. That coat looks great on you! And i'm tired of black coats too, the blue is a really nice change. Oh an your hair is so cute!!

  27. yeah I definitely get what you're saying about vintage shoes, they just dont have the same impact as 4-5 inch heels! ps. your new hair is lovely and I think you should be Louise Brooks for Halloween :)

  28. I love the monochromatic tones of your tights and shoes! I too like the more slender fit of modern jackets/coats as compared to vintage….every once and a while though, I stumble on a vintage coat that actually has a flattering fit!

  29. you look so great ! that coat is so beautiful . you look great in vintage items , but this look is so great too :D have a nice weekend dear !

  30. that coat is cute as heck! i'm waiting for the day that H&M comes to charlotte. for now i've got to drive to atlanta to fill the void. best believe i'll be looking for cute coat :)

  31. Definitely know what you mean about vintage jackets. I also find vintage pants very hard to thrift too. Which explains why I never wear pants.

    Your blue H&M coat is fantastic. I love colourful coats.

  32. my dear lady you are stunning! I found you through Grace's blog Squarectomy. So glad she posted about you as you have an amazing mod/vintage style which goes together so well.

  33. i know what you mean about vintage coats, its so hard to find awesome ones and whenever i do…they are usually a million sizes too big. i love that trench coat on you though!

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