october myspace muse

imagine my delight this morning when i was checking my email, and this popped up when i clicked on my daily newsletter from who what wear. i’m an october myspace muse! pretty cool, no? i was quite flattered/entertained by their editorial take on my outfit:

After viewing Coco Avant Chanel, what piqued our interest most about the iconic designer was something we already knew well: we love her simple, elegant designs, especially in the face of all the frou-frou popular in that era. Erin, 26, from Oakland, quietly channels that tasteful glamour in her uncomplicated, yet chic, arrangement of nude shoes and a black frock. The vintage-inspired silhouette of her daytime dress is quite ladylike, but looks fresh when personalized with a shorter hemline and bow-bedecked flats.

aw, i feel honored. you can read the rest by clicking here.


  1. Congratulations my sweet Erin!
    Thank you for your lovely comment, it is a real pleasure to meet you:)
    i'm in love with your blog and etsy shop…so happy:)xoxo

  2. Wow, that's so amazing! Congrats :) Though you completely deserve the recognition because you have awesome style!

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