caped crusaders

first things first, the real reason i am writing this quick little blog post is to tell say “bon voyage!” i’m taking off right after i finish this post to visit my family in southern california for thanksgiving. all i can think about is the delicious spread with turkey and cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, gravy, and stuffing! i will most definitely be wearing a loose-fitting dress for the occasion.

in fact, the chilly weather combined with all of these gluttonous holidays has got me wishing for a cape right about now. i’ve basically been hanging around the house with a blanket across my shoulders most days. i probably wouldn’t mind if someone got me a snuggie for christmas. but seriously, how perfectly chic are these capes? just a bit of inspiration i’ve been running across over the past few weeks.

enjoy! (and i promise to put up all the photo credits complete with links later on tonight.) now i must be off!


  1. Love all of these! I saw a gorgeous vintage cape in an antique store in Utah but it was way out of my price range unfortunately. The search continues. Have a happy thanksgiving!

  2. Ooooh I have to say I do love love love capes….going to have to get a new one for this winter – yey :)


  3. I hope you have a nice thanksgiving! I love the look of capes…but I had one once and I just found it too "fussy."

  4. Where in south cali?! I live in south Cali!!
    I love capes! many people don't get them, but they're cute and very warm :)

  5. I love to wear capes, but I can nver seem to find any that aren't made for my size. I would love to find one that is more native influence.

  6. happy thanksgiving !
    i love the idea of capes but i dont think they're very conventional for a daily outfit though .

    people will think i've been coming from hogwarts school of magic . haha..

  7. These are all fantastic! I have a vintage cape, but it's not very warm. I still need to get up the courage to wear it to school…

  8. Happy Thanksgiving!!
    Those capes are so nice, especially the orange one! Ive been looking for one for about two years…
    Have great holidays!Xx

  9. there's something amazing about a cape. i keep finding some pretty amazing ones and then sell them and wish that i hadn't after the fact because they look so good with everything!


  10. Hope you had a yummy thanksgiving!!!

    totally in search of a vintage cape myself!

    BTW, im having a $100 giveaway, don't forget to enter!!!

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