cycle chic

i thought it was pretty fun to tell you all about my past as a cake decorator, so today i thought i’d tell you another little known fact about myself: i’m an avid cyclist. i don’t race or compete in any fashion, but instead, i enjoy going on long bike tours to explore beautiful places. though i do have to admit that i haven’t been riding my bike nearly as much as i’d like to lately… but that’s ok because i have plenty of neat trips planned. and there’s nothing like pretty girls riding cool bikes for a bit of inspiration!

some of my most notable and favorite rides include the california coast! one summer, me and my boyfriend rode from here in the bay area to southern california along the highway one, which winds along the coastline. at night, we camped in state parks. we thought it was so fun that we decided to turn around and try another part of the coast the next summer and we rode from arcata, ca (up near the northern border) back down to the bay area! that stretch along highway one was even more epic and glorious than the first ride, especially when we did a detour through the lost coast. amazing.

we’ve also done shorter rides and combined biking with hiking as well. it’s a pretty economical and fun way to travel.

column a: audrey hepburn, ricor, sea legs snapshots, julie michelle photography.
columb b: allister ann, melbourne street fashion, nike rebekah, shorpy, sergey komarov

the above images were all taken from copenhagen cycle chic. a really cool blog with daily updates of fashionable people on bikes. weeee!


  1. i have been asking my boyfriend for a bike since my birthday and since i didnt get it a few weeks ago i told him then give me one for Christmas i can picture myself even going to work in it :) hopefully i get mine :)

  2. A trip down the California coast sounds amazing! I wish I had a bicycle, but it would just sit around because I'm too scared to ride on the street! I live in LA and we are definitely not bike friendly here. The most cycling I've done lately is renting a cruiser at the beach!

  3. I, too, am an avid cyclist! I ride every day in the summer (if I can) and I am REALLY missing it hardcore right now. Biking is one of the best things in the world!

  4. i told myself was going to get a bike all summer and teach myself how to ride again, but i never did! i'm not that coordinated.. i need both feet on the ground, lol.

  5. Oh I'd love to do a really long trip on a bike too! And bicycles just look fantastic. A good friend of mine is actually planning to take a big tattoo of a bike :)

    and that Copahgen bike blog is amazing, thanks for sharing!

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