calivintage in glamour magazine

guess what i found while waiting in line at the grocery store today? i’m featured in the march 2010 issue of glamour magazine! i can tell you right now it was a surreal experience flipping through the pages and seeing a picture of myself in print. writing the blog, i’m used to seeing my picture around the web, but this is my first time being featured in a magazine and i am honored to be a part of it. and i am also so delighted to be featured right alongside one of my favorite bloggers, keiko lynn. what a nice way to ring in the weekend.

image scan from glamour magazine march 2010, page 142.

vintage plaid dress with d.i.y. bubble hem, annabelle rose vintage
cashmere cardigan, j.crew
skinny belt, urban outfitters
sheer tights, drug store
socks, smartwool
vintage justin boots, thrifted


  1. You and Keiko! My GIRLS!! You look adorable, and the DIY'd hem is like..the best thing ever? That's the next thing I'm giving the elves downstairs to make for me.

  2. I'm in there too! My mom was really excited and bought a bunch of copies. I love your outfit, and I'm happy I was pictured next to you, one of my favorite bloggers.

  3. Congratulations! They couldn't have selected a better outfit as that is one of my favorite calivintage ensembles. Well deserved!

  4. that's so amazing, good for you! that must've been so crazy to see yourself in there!

    and i love this look, could you maybe do a tute about how to pin your skirt like that? i've tried a few times, but it never looks right.

  5. Oh my stars CONGRATULATIONS! That is so so so exciting!!! I am going to have to pick up a copy, stat! Especially since Keiko is on it too. I am not surpised at all, no one deserves to be on the pages of Glamour than you darling :)

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