enter to win ‘my mom, style icon!’

you may remember a couple of weeks ago, i invited piper weiss, author of my mom, style icon, to stop by for a little q & a during her virtual book tour. well, today chronicle books would like to thank you with the opportunity to win one of 4 signed copies of the book my mom, style icon! two lucky winners will be randomly selected to win one copy of the book for yourself and one to give to your mama!

to enter, simply leave a comment in the section below telling us why your mom is your style icon– or a silly story about why she isn’t, haha!

the winners will be randomly selected and contacted via email on tuesday, may 31. this contest is open to international readers, so anyone can enter.


  1. My mom had the most AMAZING poofy 80’s bangs and floral dresses for years throughout my childhood (and well past the 80s). She was adorable. But she finally let us update her wardrobe and hairstyles!

  2. There were some frightening years while I was growing up when my mother (who teaches motor development and works with hearing-impaired children) wore ONLY matching track suits — in late 80’s/early 90’s color combos, of course. But prior to that, and in recent years, she is definitely one of my style icons. She dresses for herself and believes in natural beauty, and she always gives me great advice when it comes to hem-lines and how an item should fit.

  3. my mom always made her own clothes because she was super tall and thin and could never find anything to fit. the woman’s a whiz with a sewing machine- it’s unreal! even made her own wedding gown?! definitely a style icon!

  4. from example. i learned through my mom to never berate the way i look – “Im so fat” la la la. she is a beautiful person inside and out!

  5. my mom will forever be my style icon. when i was little she got a perm- and because i was her mini-me i made her rag-curl my hair on endless occasions. i grew up to look just like her (only half chinese!) which is something i am so grateful for. she wears hot pink lipstick every day and consume one tube in about two weeks. we joke that her intestines have a pink lining since it is said that women eat numerous pounds of lipstick throughout their lifetime. she has always stayed true to the colors that work for her best, and the sparkly, casual things that look well on her. i love my mama!


  6. My mum has never cared about make-up or hair or accessories, but she always had innate style, and in her relaxed attitude to fashion, always managed to look cooler than anyone who actually tried.

  7. My mom didn’t have too much money, in fact she was poor when she was growing up. But still she has always looked like a millon dollar’s. She may be dressed with rags but she made it look like silk. No mathers if it wasn’t the trend, she followed her own rules creating an unique style. Everything looks good on her, even nowadays, she is a very elegant woman. I think that is what make my mom (Elsa by the way) style icon. No mathers if you don’t have money, if you don’t have “the” body, to be creative and wear what makes you confortable its the key to shine.

    Paula from Argentina

  8. My Mom is always there for me—she drives me everywhere, buys me CLOTHES, gives me love…without her, id be alone.

  9. I love looking at old photos of my mum as she had such a lovely casual style. In later years though I have had to step in to prevent some embarrassing wardrobe mistakes. Like the time her and my Dad were getting ready to go out and I noticed they were wearing the exact same outfit of jumper, shirt and dark trousers! It was cute but definitely not stylish.

  10. Back in her twenties, my mother used to sew pretty much all of her clothing. I love looking through old photos, or occasionally stumbling on an old dress of hers. Lately she isn’t much into sewing, but I try to get her to make things again – she’s so skilled! I’d say she is my style icon in a way that she doesn’t care where clothes comes from, a thrift store or a boutique, it’s all about putting it together in a way that works for you.

  11. When I look at photos of my mother in her teens, she was definitely a tomboy, but always made it a little daring with some VERY short shorts or hip-hugging jeans. In her twenties, she had a thing for rompers and big sunglasses. As she started to have kids and work a whole lot, her focus shifted on us, and her style kind of came in 3rd or 4th place. She passed away when she was 39, so I always wonder how her style would have evolved as we grew up and moved out, and she could focus more on herself again. I remember those nights when she would get all gussied up for a date night with my father. Dramatic eyes, red lips, and just a little bit of heel. She was really a beautiful woman.

  12. my mom is my style icon because she has such an effortless grace to the way she dresses. so classic and still fun!
    rwvanvoorhis at gmail dot com

  13. I went through some of my mom’s old photos a few years ago, and I was surprised to find out that she had some amazing mod style in the 60s when she was a teenager!

  14. my mom is the youngest of six sistsers, so she would always wear hand-me-downs. So she started experimenting with retouching and remixing the old stuff, so that kids at school wouldn’ t recognise her sisters’ old clothes. Sometimes they came out so nice, that her sisters would ask them back!

  15. My mom is my style icon because she always keeps it classy. I love trying on clothes while shopping with her; she’s so funny! Everything she tries on is either “vulgar” or “indecent.”

  16. My mom’s look was always polished and sophisticated. Even in a sweater and jeans. She is the one who influenced my style in a big way.

  17. My mom was outgoing but shy in how she dressed. Although she never seemed to care about clothes, my dad actually bought clothes for her. For the first couple decades of her life she grew up without wearing shoes hardly ever because her family was poor. She wore the same tattered dresses every day. Her parents were very neglectful of her and her siblings so she had to work to supply her needs at a young age. My dad picked out her clothes but she wore them so amazingly that it influenced me to loving vintage style as a child. This is from 1970 when they were engaged. Oh goodness I want to link you to what I mean. http://justicepirate.tumblr.com/post/5804321284/my-parents-i-believe-in-1970-when-they-were
    When I tell my mom that she inspired a lot of my likes regarding fashion, she shrugs and is so humble about it and still doesn’t think she was that stylish, but she was and still is such a beautiful woman to me.

  18. My mom’s always been a classy dresser. Her clothes are basic but stylish. What I admire most is her ability to dress well without spending much. In fact, she hardly ever shops for herself. I could learn from that!

  19. It’s not exactly about my mom’s style but related to that: when my mom and dad met (they were both around 18) they quickly became friends. However, my mom didn’t deem my dad boyfriend material much cause he wore corduroy trousers, which was very uncool. Jeans was the cool thing back in the day. Luckily she later realised that she did love my dad – with corduroy trousers and with jeans!

  20. Such a great giveaway! (especially since I forgot to order it for her for mothers day). My mom is my style icon simply because she is a huge vintage and thrift shopping fiend! She introduced me to it, and is it something we always do together. Plus she makes stage wear for musicians as a job- such a cool lady.

  21. My mama is my icon in many ways…but alas, not in style…sorry,mama! But it is through that same notion that I have gained confidence in her weakness, especially as I am now a mother. Growing up, my mom never really put much effort into her appearance. I am the fifth of six children, but even in pictures taken before I was born, the evidence is still there. She wore B.U.M. t-shirts (all the time!) that were 2 sizes too big, with some sort of Gloria Vanderbelt stretch jean. She only had ONE pair of tennis, that she would only replace once the soles cracked, & those were worn with footsie socks with the pom pom balls on the heel. Makeup was seldomly used, and only on special occasions.

    I never felt comfortable shopping with my mom, as we never really met eye to eye in that category. And when I was under her care, I always disliked what I was bought to wear. Now, I would like to take the time, and break the cycle with my own little girl. Now, anytime I make a big purchase, I ALWAYS ask myself….will she want to use this when she’s older? And if there’s a possibility that it’s a “yes”, away it goes to the cashier or online cart. Slowly, I am accumulating pieces that have heirloom potential. I can’t wait to share them with her, if she so wishes.

  22. I’ve always went into my mom’s closet, ever since I was a little girl. I used to dress up with her clothes and play! Now I still do that, but I don’t play anymore, hehe! I’m quite grown up. But I love spending hours and hours searching through her clothes. I always find something to wear and rescue, cause there’re lots of clothes she doesn’t wear anymore. She has a great figure, so everything fits perfectly on her.
    We share shoes, boots, sweaters, t-shirts, skirts, excepto for jeans, cause we have different sizes! And she’s also my companion while shopping for myself. I trust her opinion very much!

    She’s definitely my style icon!!

    Love the blog!

  23. my mom hung out with bruce springsteen in high school, went to grad school in l.a. in the 70s, and became a psychologist in london in the 80s. she’s also a kick-ass gardener and has great jewelry.

  24. My mom has known her way around a sewing machine my entire life, and spent her college years creating her own awesome pieces as well as spending my childhood creating beautiful dresses, jumpers, Halloween costumes and other fun things for me.

    Every high school dance I ever went to featured a dress done by my mom, including my senior prom. She has done fabulous things with fabric for my entire life and for that reason she’s a genuine style inspiration for me. :)

  25. My mom’s style is very VERY hit-or-miss. There are a lot of baggy t-shirts and sequins involved (though not at the same time).

    The favorite item of hers I inherited was a pair of whiskey-colored woven pumps. They were the sassiest things around, and I wore them until they broke.
    When the heels were hers in the 80s, she got roped into doing a photoshoot by a photographer named Harrison Ford (not THE Harrison Ford), who was shooting Oprah at the same time. Such is the power of a great pair of shoes!

  26. My mum is just simply awesome. Back in ‘her day’ she was (and still is) absolutely gorgeous. She had a slim boy-like figure and hair cut. Also, she wore the most amazing fashionable quirky clothes..and I still wear them today! :P

  27. my mom was badass. she could se like no tomorow and was always turning heads! even in her loungies down at the Safeway. ha. love you, ma.

  28. Ahhh… 1970’s White leather punk jacket, Led Zeppelin, 1950’s pink glitter dress that only a wasp could fit into, 1960’s velvet bow belts, Neil Young concert ticket stubs, the list could go on, and on :).

    “Mom, did you like the Beatles or the Rolling Stones?” “Neither! I was into Rock N’ Roll”. Haha, love her!

  29. My mom is the most amazing person ever! She inspires me incredibly. Her impeccable style, her elegance, her grace. Not to mention she’s a fantastic cook and a doctor to boot! Smart and beautiful, everything I ever wanted to be :) Truly she is not only my style icon but my EVERYTHING icon!

  30. My mother used to be the perfect girl when she was young. Later, during the years she got a permanent problem with her hormones and she gained a lot of weight, which is impossible for her to lose. But she still is so proud with herself, she can’t wear anything she wants and that brakes her heart sometimes, but she always finds clothes that fit her perfectly, don’t show too much and make her shine for who she is. Truth be told I know people that are more beautiful, thin, stylish and better looking than her. But she has something that comes from her soul, that no clothes can beat. In the end anyone can dress beautifully, but style, it comes from who you are, not from your figure or face. I love my mother for the beauty she has inside and out.

  31. Well I may be right or wrong because I might not have enough seen enough moms to compare her to, but I honestly see my mom as doing her own thing. Shes never been conveniently stylish… Shes in her mid forties and at times buys clothing that older women than her would buy but she makes everything look so beautiful. Her closet is full of long dresses, many of them accompanied by its own jacket or blazer. Shes never been much to makeup, everyday her look is finished with a tad bit of nude lipstick. She doesn’t need the makeup anyways because she looks so young and clean naturally. Many people admire her long wavy virgin hair (sometimes she spices things up and pin curls her hair, which looks even more gorgeous). Her footwear is all about comfort, she finds it sweet to own a pair of classy looking padded shoes. You look at her now and then you look at a picture of her in her twenties and in a way you find it kind of shocking that this conservative woman could be so sassy when young; that was my reaction anyways. In the eighties my mother was a big Madonna fan which was obvious in her style. I could not believe my mother was wearing cropped blouses showing her bellybutton, thats just one minor detail. Everything about her was so spicy!
    My mothers independent spirit and her ability to work out a sweet look (and do not underestimate her, she can do spicy too) topped off by her super cute loving nature is a reason why my mother is considered my style icon.

  32. My mom made a lot of her clothing and our clothing when we were little. She is my style icon because I will always remember her sewing table with dozens of different patterns and colors draped over it. She wasn’t afraid to wear ridiculous, bright patterns and drawing attention to herself in a good way!

  33. My mum and I have a really rocky relationship (she has a few mental illness’ which make it quite difficult to be civil sometimes) But I always remember raiding her wardrobe for her clothes from when she was a teenager.
    it’s hard to believe looking at her dress sense now (which is a little worrying haha) That back in her teens she had a definite fashion sense!
    I also have some of my nannas old belts which I love with all my heart.

  34. Every girl thinks her mother is the most beautiful woman in the universe. I think all of them are right. As a young refugee from Vietnam, my mom didn’t have time or money to focus on clothes — she and her thirteen other siblings each received one new outfit every year. For two decades she has taught my sisters and me to make clothes last, to buy timeless pieces that don’t follow trends but grow with us, like skin on aging bones.

    I love you, Mommy <3

  35. i got the book for my mom for mothers day actually! but i would really love one for myself too! i have a few pieces of my mothers clothing from when she was in her late teens and early 20s. she graduated high school in 1978, same age as the kids on that 70s show. and from what i can see from the photo albums my mom has, and her high school year book, (things i made mine for a brief time before i moved out, then she took them back) she would fit right into that show. total rocker hippie chick, she didn’t go to prom because she didn’t like disco. i think my mom at my age and i would get along quite well, i really wish i could have known her then.

  36. my mom has a style uniform: a short-sleeved scoopneck tee, a (in the same color family) matching cardigan, dark jeans and clogs. hasn’t changed since … well … never. and i’m just now noticing my penchant for cardis and go-with-everything tees that i pair with cuffed jeans and yes, i even just bought me a pair of clogs. guess it’s true: i am my mother’s daughter when it comes to style (and our inherent need to be at least 15 minutes early … always)

  37. The funny thing is, my mum never WAS my fashion icon – I used to think the clothes she wore were dowdy and old-fashioned…. then i got into vintage, and suddenly I can’t get enough of her old 70s/80s clothes plus her vintage handbags and granny cardigans!! I’m ashamed to say I ever doubted her!

  38. there are times when my mom is a bit of both. she’s just a bit bigger than me so we can swap clothing. however, there are times when she just freaks me out. i guess it’s cause we both a different styles. even though we swap clothing, we like to wear it our own way (:

  39. My mother’s gracefulness and dignity, her commitment to health and an active lifestyle, her confident sense of self reflected in the timeless, always classy clothes she wears–these are what make her a daily inspiration to me, in style and in life.

  40. I Ihave such great memories of shopping with my mom. Although my mom would never like to admit it, I think she has a wonderful taste in clothes. I remember hiding in the clothes rack while my mom would ravage through racks of clothes at thrift stores to find that perfect sweater or dress. It wasn’t that my mom didn’t like spendnign the money, she liked the idea of the history behind the clothes. Her style, admittedly, has always been plain and simple, and she always dressed for comfort, but it was her love of bold prints and her eye for those great treasures that inspired me to love clothes and fashion.

  41. My mom dressed up everyday for high school in the 70’s in dresses that she sewed for herself, stockings, high heels, and curled hair. She also sewed every single one of her dresses for dances and proms- complete with pouffy sleeves. Growing-up she has carried on the tradition of creating original designs by sewing me countless Halloween costumes and even my 7th grade Graduation dress. She taught me to be original and try different things when it comes to fashion.

  42. my mom is my style icon because she says i dress like her when she was my age (late teens). apparently she used to love floral prints, vests, big belts and leggings as much as i do now. though our styles are completely different as of late, it’s lovely to see parts of bher in me as i wear styles she used to love.

  43. Honestly, my mom isn’t a style icon. But she has a good taste on fashion, according to her. Everybody has their own fashion style. As her daughter, I really get support if my mom LIKE what I choose in fashion. Whatever I buy, if she says ‘that dress or shoes are lovely’ then I’m sure that those are. As I grew up, I’m very much confidence with my style and taste. When she says BAD choice, then I just stand on my own choice and trust my taste. Like my mom’s little daughter has grew up. I love you, mom.

    irma_alliza (at) yahoo (dot) com

  44. My mother came from El Salvador in the early 1980’s and had very little money, with what little money she had to spare she would buy fabric and have someone sew the clothes she couldn’t afford or shop at the goodwill. She was her own little designer and now I steal what little pieces she has left and make them my own, she also introduced me into thrifty shopping. She’s an inspiration for any girl on a budget.

  45. Hmm, my mom probably isn’t/wasn’t much of a style icon, she was definitely a complete nerd with cropped hair and glasses all the way! But I still love her style because all the old photos I’ve seen of her she’s rocking some sort of nerdy t-shirt (usually featuring geology camps or universities that she attended) and jeans, I even have one of her old t-shirts that is so worn through I am afraid to wear it that I might rip a hole in the super thin fabric.

  46. In my eyes my mom is the ultimate style icon. As a teen in the late 1980’s, she didn’t rock “50s inspired prom dresses”- she wore the real thing. She was strutting around in vintage before it was called vintage. Her mother made her own clothes during the 40s-50s, & kept them for my mother who proudly wore the rockabilly gabs while everyone was in parachute pants (though, don’t get me wrong- parachute pants are the bomb). All the while keeping up with big hair trend. I can see her now in one of my favorite photos, wearing a full skirt & cropped top with field boots, donning a teased pony tail. Such a chic & timeless look on an equally chic & timeless lady :)

  47. Yes! I just remember my mother always wearing beautifully printed maxi dresses when I was a child which always seemed outdated to me then but I WISH I had them now :)

  48. First of all, my mom is such a sweet lady… she’s essentially what I admire in a person, and a great role model personality wise. Before she had my siblings and I, she dressed extremely nicely and splurged on pieces she intended to pass down (which of course, she has… I’m just too nervous to wear her YSL pieces!) to us. As much as I hate shopping with some people, I love shopping with her… even though we both hate it! From mutual closet raids, to giving style advice, she’s awesome.


  49. My mum is from a small town here in Chile and she is great! I see her photos and come on, she was fabolous, using many colors, great glasses and belts, she didin’t care about comment of bored ladies in the park, she just weared what she wanted and still does. Sometimes I say come on mum, you are on your fifties! but in my head I say, ‘she’s my mum, be jealous’ She is beaufitul and completly owns everything she wears. Love you mum, and I love your strenght in this moments.

  50. My mom always wore the funkiest homemade dresses when I was little. I always thought they were tacky, but now I’d absolutely kill to still have them! Of course now that my siblings and I are all grown up and she’s not chasing us about, she’s moved on to a super sleek, classic look! She always, always looks stunning!

  51. well, I was born in the early 80s, so I honestly can’t say that I found my mom’s 80s and 90s clothing that inspiring, but I know she and I would both love copies of this book to remember my grandmother’s amazing style! thanks to you and Chronicle for offering us this fun opportunity :)

  52. I love that my mom didn’t wear a traditional wedding dress. My parents got married in the 80s but instead of wearing a heinous poofy gown my mom wore a simple knee-length dress and an awesome hat with a veil (that I played dress up with as a little girl). She rules!

  53. My mom is always be my inspiration for my style. She is not fashionable very much because some reasons but she likes beautiful and trendy dresses. Therefore she gives many advises when I make my own style. Her feedback and suggestion always be my courage to make me feel confidence.

  54. While my style is more subdued, I’ve always envied my mom’s ability to push the boundaries like wearing black smoky eyes even in the morning time. :)

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  55. One of the reasons my mom is one of my style icons is the fact that she’s never seen without lipstick. I used to loathe it, but after wearing lipstick regularly for almost a year now, I am in love!

  56. My mom has always, and always will be, a style icon. Every friend that has ever met her agrees. We hail from Poland, so the trends back in the day were similar to the States but not entirely replicated. The pictures I have of her just hanging out with friends could all grace the covers of Vogue. She lived in thin, airy tops and “casual pencil skirts,” as well as loose, chunky sweaters with woven sandals. Now-a-days she should model for Jcrew, as her pixie cut, classic crewnecks, and pumps fit almost any occasion. I firmly believe she started the ankle-length pant trend a decade back. I channel her when I shop and try to envision her outfits when I buy appropriate but trendy “teacher clothes.” I could send dozens of pictures to back up my claims!

    Love the blog!

    Kamila :)

  57. my mom isn’t exactly a style maven and she hates shopping (where did I come from?) but ever since I’ve been able to dress myself in my own “outfits,” she’s been oohing and ahhing over them. Thanks, Mom <3

  58. I would say it took me a while a realize that my mom is my style icon, I only came to that conclusion recently, and I’m past 30. Over the years I acknowledged her influence on my wardrobe choices, especially in my use of bold colors and ethnic/folky patterns and materials. I didn’t really pay attention to it growing up but now that I think of it, my mom’s way of dressing was very different from the other moms around me. I grew up in provincial France in the eighties, and my friends’ moms had a very classic taste. My mother, on the other hand, was always dressed in a very fun and colorful way and she definitely stood out. I owe her a lot. I wouldn’t be such a sock+ pantyhose freak if it wasn’t for her. I discovered they’re the best fashion accessory.

  59. I don’t know that my mom is my style icon, but I sure love stealing her jewellery. And I love that she made me realize the value of good quality wool/leather/silk. I leave the love of all “sparkly things” to her though!

  60. my mum isn’t my style icon….she is a totally sporty tomboy babe and i love style and fashion!! she goes for comfort, i go for flair. she does have some great hippie/natural jewelry that make her look special and femme!

  61. My Mom is my style icon because she knows what you wear isn’t as important as how you carry yourself when you wear it,and she usually looks poised and put together even though she would never spend big bucks on designer clothes. Plus she can sew her own clothes and is going to teach me, which is awesome!

  62. my momma is my style icon because she wore the very “american” hippie wear as a young lady in Mexico. She couldn’t find those fashions in Mexico, so she made them all herself- from the tiny crochet tops, to the highwaisted bell bottoms!

  63. My mom is beyond awesome. Her influence on me is everywhere in my life, and very much apparent in the influence on my sense of style. I covet the mass of vintage I have from her and my grandmothers. I have a double generation “mom style icon” going on. I am so grateful for mom’s tees and random baubles from working at a record distributor for 20 years. Bad Company tee shirts, a metal hotel room “key” from Foreigner! (They thought she was a babe and wanted her to use the ‘key’ to hang out with them later… but she knew better than that! Dirty white boys….)

  64. My mom is absolutely a style icon, although it took me several years to realize it. A talented seamstress, when I was about 8 I was horrified to see she had made for herself a beautifully put together neo-victorian outfit – jacket, skirt and gloves and was planning on wearing it to a school function. I asked her why she couldn’t be like “normal moms” and wear “sweatshirts and jeans.” She kindly informed me that that just wasn’t the way she was.

    Luckily I grew out of that ashamed phase and have come to adore and appreciate my mom’s funky style and only wish I had the sewing skills to match hers! Last time I saw her — at age 56 — she was wearing an asymmetrical striped tunic she’d made herself, with a contrasting striped skirt and purple Fluevogs. I only hope I got some of her eye for style!

  65. My mom used to make her own clothes, she also lived in Vietnam and worked as a tailor. She used to make me dresses when I was little. I can’t wait to post old pictures of her on my blog. She is a style icon, because she had effortless style. Although she has given up on her sense of style, I still consider her an icon.

  66. My mother is not a style icon but she has a great eye for color combinations. She is a respiratory therapist and a work-a-holic so she never wears anything accept for scrubs, but she coordinates all of her wardrobe with color. Including her lanyard and watch! Before that though, when she was a waitress, she always wore these fantastic long chandelier earrings that were her ‘trademark’ as she put it, and I have since had a love for that type of earring. Her motto is if it isn’t comfortable, I’m not wearing it. The biggest way she inspired me with my fashion choices growing, was to let me have free reign to find my own sense of style which is old mixed with new, and a little rough around the edges :)

  67. my mom neither is nor isn’t my style icon – we have different taste. But i admire the bold and attractive way that she dresses. She wanted to be a fashion designer when she was young, and even made her own wedding dress. She chose a different career, but it still comes through.

  68. My mom is my style icon because she taught me to love clothing as something that is beautiful, and really an art. She showed me that beyond the design, it is the fabric and the buttons and the little details that goes into an article of clothing is what really makes it something to be appreciated. Because of this whenever I go to buy something it either has to be because I really love it and can’t live with out it, or because its a beautiful well made piece that I can have in my wardrobe for a long time (an investment piece). She is a costume designer by profession and has always had an amazing wardrobe, and I am lucky to have some of her most loved and investment pieces now part of my wardrobe.

  69. My mom is a style icon and isn’t a style icon at the same time. When she was in her 20s in the 80’s, she was really cool – she cherished the pink Dior nail polish her aunt bought her, wore fun and cool 80s clothes and was an overall cool person – yeah, she had a perm, but I mean everyone did, and she actually almost pulled it off.
    She’s not as overly trendy as she used to be, and she DOES dress much more maturely, which doesn’t necessarily inspire me FASHION-wise and experimentation-wise, but it DOES inspire me in a “I adapt well to my role as fabulous mother and fabulous careerwoman, and even if my crazy 80s days are behind me, they peep out every once in a while, making everyone wonder how I ever got to be so cool.”
    Or something like that. Basically, she’s not my main fashion inspiration, but she’s still super cool and her clothes ARE nice, I must admit.
    Thanks for the giveaway!
    – Laura S

  70. uhmm.. my mom is sweet, she’s loved me (of course!) but i’m having bad childhood memory with her. so now, i respect her just because she’s my mom. but yeah everybody got their bad side. and i dont like her bad side :(
    but i love her, and i dont want to see her crying..

  71. While I’ve long loved pilfering my mother’s closet, and there are some great pieces (double-breasted blazers! silky shirt-dresses!), my mother has never considered herself very stylish. Except in the early days of her marriage to my father, apparently. There is a famous family photo of my mother from the late seventies. Her hair’s permed and has a short, rounded cut. She’s wearing these fabulous burgundy hot pants, and gives the camera a death stare as she leans against a door jamb. But the coup de grace is definitely her top-and what lies beneath. She’s wearing a crocheted cropped halter top in stripes of yellow, red and brown, and the arms lifted to rest her weight on the doorway have pits like lush forests of feminism. It’s so clear she feels hot as hell and knows she looks fly. Go mama!

  72. I am reinspired every time I see my Mom. She has a very classic style, often modeling herself after Coco Chanel. She wears a lot of black and white, pearls, cropped pants, and wedges. She always looks nice, even at a casual event. I love my mama and her style.

  73. my mother was my age in the 1950s and 60s, she was also a hair-dresser and an overly talented seamstress, so basically she was the cutest, most fashionable little redhead I’ve ever seen in all my life! I look to her old photographs for style inspiration all the time!

  74. My mother in her own special way was a style icon despite the chaotic and sometimes absurd fashion of the 70’s/80’s she still managed to look acceptable ( which is a hard feat :p ). My family on a while have never conformed we always lead, who wants to look the same when we as human beings are so unique ? My mother and I both went through hard times during our childhoods and teenage years, so when I look at pictures and I know what emotional trauma my mother was going through, and I hear her voice in my head saying ‘well at least I looked good’ .

    My mother was gifted with long legs as was I, unfortunately with long legs came a short torso and thus my mother battled to find dresses that fitted her bust, skirts that could be classified as skirts and jeans that wouldn’t made her look like child like ‘daddy long legs’. My mother at the time chose to go against the fashion and have her cut cut in a cropped style, she decided to wear little black dresses instead of garish suits, she always wanted to appear sophisticated even at her young age. My mother wore clothes little boutiques and traveled to London every chance she got to pick up items her friends would never have heard of. Although I don’t look upon my mother’s style as inspiration (as we are individuals ) , I believe I have inherited the ‘devil do care attitude’ I don’t care what others think as long as I feel comfortable in my skin and my own choice of clothes and if anyone doesn’t like my attitude then quite frankly darling I don’t give a damn! :)

  75. I don’t really know if my mother can qualify as a style icon. I do owe of my love of sewing and fashion to her. When I was younger, she always made sure I was the most stylish kid on the block, despite the fact that we never had a lot of money. I don’t remember if she spent as much time on her wardrobe, but I do recall that most of what she wore was handmade. They were very well made and on trend for the time. But they are hilarious to look back upon.

  76. My mom studied fashion merchandising and textiles in college, thus making her always interested in fashion. When I see old photos of her, she was always dressed head-to-do and looking glamorous. She still always dresses fabulously and in our tiny 1920s house, she takes up FOUR closets for her clothes. Whenever she goes on a clothes-purge, I’m always super excited to take her vintage goodies off her hands!

  77. My Mom is my style icon because of her classic taste. What she buys never seems to go out of style. She also buys very good quality pieces when she buys important items.

  78. My mum would never consider herself a style icon in any shape or form, and I love that about her. This has admittedly led to some very interesting moment in her sartorial life, which she wouldn’t thank me to repeat (read: boxy 90s suits and some truly awful perms). But my favourite thing about my mum’s style is, looking back at her pictures, she was a pioneer of that “off-duty model” look. A photo of her on her honeymoon looking effortlessly beautiful wearing my Dads jumper and a flat cap proves it. Today, I still steal shirts from the boys!

  79. My moms style is amazing.When we go shopping she will pick something up and everyone will say ” its okay but i bet there is a dress that is better! ” Yet she buys it anyway and goes home and disappears in her room for a bit. Later on she comes out and we all say ” OMG THAT LOOKS AMAZING WHERE IS THAT DRESS FROM????? ” to find its the dress from earlier just with ba dash of her style. She has always had the ability to spend nothing and allways be in style! Half the time i am robbing her clothes!!!!!!!!!!! She is definitley my style icon with her quiurky , classy and super jaw dropping style – i love her and her style xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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