kid face

calivintage: baby erin
calivintage: baby erin

i was feeling nostalgic the other day and happened upon these photos of me as a kid. i actually shared some of these a looong while back, but pictures are meant to be rediscovered again and again throughout a lifetime, and sometimes it’s good to dwell on those memories for just a few moments. i love the fact that i went through such a long phase in which i refused to smile for photos. there are actually professional studio photos of me grimacing and pouting in a pink frilly dress. despite the photographer’s attempts, i refused to give in and crack a smile, so my mom had them printed. good thing she had a sense of humor.

also note that my hair is an absolute mess in those first two photos. that fancy haircut was the result of an incident in which i got a huge wad of gum stuck in my hair and attempted to get it out myself. niiiice.

calivintage: baby erin
calivintage: baby erin


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