sf shopping guide: static vintage

a couple of months back, i was contacted by the guardian uk to write-up a little bay area vintage shopping guide. they asked me to offer up my top 10 shopping spots for both vintage and designer, so i set out on a weekend excursion to visit and photograph all of my favorite spots. since i’ve gotten quite a few requests for shopping recommendations over the years, i thought i’d share my list in a little series here on the blog. so for my first stop…

static vintage, 1764 haight st. san francisco

while there’s a wide range of vintage boutiques in the famous haight-ashbury neighbourhood, static vintage stands out, with a massive selection of vintage clothing and accessories for men and women, including impressive designer finds for the true collector. you’ll find unique vintage wares to fit just about any style from every era from the 1920s and to the early 1990s in this brightly hued shop. and rumour has it they have a secret stash of rare pieces for the serious buyer, making this a must-stop destination for fashion fanatics.

my city guide series was originally published in the guardian uk, photos by me.


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