what’s in adam’s bag?


this is a really simple post that i’ve been meaning to write for months! fashion bloggers always seem to be dumping out the contents of their bags to show off what sorts of goodies they have inside, so why not share what a baby carries in his bag?

back when adam was probably around six months, he became obsessed with my purse. he would sit there and pull everything out, then put it all back in again. and on and on for longer than he would concentrate on most things. since i wasn’t particularly keen on him playing with actual keys, or unwrapping bits of gum, i decided to give him his own purse to play with. i picked up this adorable kid’s survey backpack by hershel supply co. and filled it with the baby-friendly versions of th things you might find in my bag: toy keys, velcro wallet, lots of plastic cards, an altoids tin filled with cheerios, baby sunglasses, etc. it’s still a “toy,” but i’ve found that the things that least resemble actual toys are the things that are most interesting for babies. so there you have it, a glimpse at what’s inside adam’s bag!


  1. A $50 backpack for a baby is deranged. I guess this is a fashion blog but recently it’s gotten insanely materialistic.

    1. You are absolutely right! The backpack is expensive, but I had to have it because I’m insanely materialistic and always have been. I found a really good sale and used a gift card I received as a gift for Christmas to buy it. (I was supposed to buy myself a pair of shoes with it, don’t tell my grandma.) I also spent the same amount of money on a forest green Jansport backpack when I was a kid because it was a prized possession on the playground. Hopefully Adam will like this one in a few more years, because it’s definitely what he’ll be wearing on his first day of Kindergarten.

      1. I remember having a cherished backpack as well (also green Jansport, but probably more aqua). Love this cute idea, will probably do something similar for my nephews.

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