the wild one


the other day, i opened the door and adam took off running down the sidewalk. i did the trick that most parents do and told him, “ok, bye bye, adam!” and turned my back. he usually comes running right back after me, but not this time! he’s only very recently mustered up the courage to step more than a few feet away from me, so it’s pretty fun for me to watch him go off “on his own.” i know a lot of parents say it’s hard to let their babies go, both figuratively and literally. but i really do enjoy seeing his independent spirit beginning to crop up. it makes me proud to see him learn and explore and grow. and i really don’t mind having a little space to myself now and then. although as you can see, now i spend a lot more time running after him!


and omg his curly little ducktail! he still doesn’t have much hair, but what he does have is super curly! it came as a surprise to me because my hair is so stick straight, and brendan only has a little wave. the jury is still out on whether or not he’ll be a brunette. only time will tell!

his top is from american apparel, the cycling cap was handmade by niko’s naptime, and the romper was handmade by skadoodlee.

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