georgia o’keeffe

calivintage - georgia o'keeffe

here’s a little story about me. maybe some would disagree, but in my recollection, i was a total art kid in high school. my boyfriend at the time worked at the local children’s bookstore, and hidden in the back room was a women’s reading room. i hadn’t ever thought about how cool that was until i became an adult, but that little room was filled with feminist women’s literature, and now that i think about it, probably had a strong impact on me as i grew into an adult. i would ride my bike there on summer afternoons to meet my boyfriend for lunch, and ended up spending hours sitting on the floor in that little room, leafing through the books. occasionally, i’d buy something that would catch my eye long enough to consider taking it home. and somewhere buried in a box i probably still have my copy of the now out-of-print georgia o’keefe at ghost ranch. i would flip through those pages and dream about living in new mexico, spending my days collecting objects in the dessert, hanging out with coyotes, and painting masterpieces. it’s kind of funny to think about, because at the time, i was a silly punk kid wearing thrift store clothes with my hair dyed pink. but now, all these years later, that book seems to resonate with me more than ever. and it’s a huge influence over how i want to dress and decorate my home. lately, all i wanna do is dress like georgia o’keeffe and hang out in some artsy abode surrounded by pottery and giant paintings, haha.

calivintage - georgia o'keeffe
calivintage - georgia o'keeffe
calivintage - georgia o'keeffe


  1. That sounds like a pretty special book shop! Given the dearth of strong female characters, or females at all, in young children’s books I think a stronger link between children’s books and feminism is sorely needed! I’m not sure if you can access it in the U.S. but there was just a really good programme on BBC here in the UK about Georgia O’Keefe as there’s a retrospective in London right now. That book you’ve got sounds wonderful, I hope you still have it.

  2. Yes! Here style/life resonates with me so much too.
    We got to pay a small fee to visit her house right outside Santa Fe, it has all her old furniture, books, records, rocks, collected bones.
    She had a kitchen garden, and she would make her own yogurt, bread, she ate very healthy. Her tables were made out of plywood. She had a room to listen to records, and lots of giant windows. She also had a bomb shelter in her home.
    I live in Texas, but have been to Santa Fe and I recommend it so much, especially if you love Georgia O’Keefe, she is everywhere. Going just to visit Ghost Ranch and her home in Abiqui would be so worth it.

  3. Late to reading this post, but I just had to comment, I truly miss that women’s lit room at the frugal frigate. My love for Plath blossomed at the ripe age of 14 within that room! It’s a trip taking my kids to that cute little shop now, but it’s just not the same.

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