i know that weekends are meant for enjoying, but they really can be quite stressful. i have two days to accomplish all of the things that i can’t do during the week, and usually have a list of things to do that is nearly impossible to complete in just 48 hours. the weekends come and go, and i always feel like i’m playing catch-up, trying to remind myself of all of the things i have to do next weekend: the car needs an oil change, i still haven’t gone to the bank, for that matter, the car needs new tires, the refrigerator is empty, etc, etc.
but every one once-in-a-while, i have one of those glorious weekends where i somehow manage to conquer a huge to-do list with several hours left to actually relax. perhaps there was some cosmic alignment because i really did have a very fulfilling few days. went out on friday night for a mall date with brendan and saw moonrise kingdom. woke up bright and early on saturday to go to the farmer’s market and buy fresh, local produce. then headed out to get new tires for my little junker of a car. and finally got that oil change! and since we were out in a suburban town that i rarely visit (san leandro), we did some exploring and happened upon a little thrift store filled with vintage gems, everything was $5 or less, score! then we came back home to lounge in the grass at the morcom rose garden until the sun turned to shade and we had to run back home for sweaters. we sat drinking beer and talking about anything and everything, and took a late night stroll around the neighborhood before calling it a night. on sunday, we cleaned the apartment (it was a pig sty), and planned out home-cooked meals for the entire week. picked up more groceries, and packed a picnic for another evening laying in the grass at the rose garden. the late afternoon sun was so dreamy and serene, and i managed to take a deep breath and watch the sun go down and the weekend come to a close.
top: madewell indigo ink pocket tee
sweater: thrifted vintage cable knit cardigan
skirt: madewell silk dotty passenger skirt
bag: vintage jute tote
shoes: bass wayfarer
glasses: bonlook jungle chic
ring: datter golden watchful eye ring
brooch: vintage plastic dachshund pin from the flea market
liptick: make up for ever rouge artist intense in bright orange
nail polish: essie clambake