the great indoors

 t-shirt: lost at tee courtesy of modcloth shorts: vintage khaki shorts from treefox vintage bag: h&m striped tote bag shoes: the perf sandals courtesy of modcloth glasses: 3.1 phillip lim spring 2009
yesterday, it struck me that it had been a very long time since i’d worn a t-shirt. what was once a wardrobe staple for me, has now become a thing of the past. i usually opt for some sort of vintage blouse, pullover, or dress. and i knew it had become a thing when i recently attended a small event and a friend said, “wow, i can’t remember the last time i saw you wearing a t-shirt.” and it’s true, the occasions are few and far between. so yesterday i decided to style up a simple summer outfit with this cute sailboat t-shirt. we were off to take photos in some new location in the neighborhood when we realized two things: 1) it was actually pretty cold and overcast outside, and 2) there was an empty apartment in our building with the door left unlocked. a neighbor recently moved out, so her place is up for rent, which means we get free reign over a big empty space indoors to take some sneaky pictures!the light was soft and low, filtered through all of the closed blinds and drapes. we tip toed around because the emptiness of the room amplified the creeky floor boards, and we were nervous that a nosy neighbor might come over to scold us for taking pictures in there. our building is small and our neighbors have a tendency to make us feel like we’re surly kids up to no good, even though we happen to be very good tenants! so we quietly snapped away, trying to take advantage of the interesting light and new location.

t-shirt: lost at tee courtesy of modcloth
shorts: vintage khaki shorts from treefox vintage
bag: h&m striped tote bag
shoes: the perf sandals courtesy of modcloth
glasses: 3.1 phillip lim spring 2009

 t-shirt: lost at tee courtesy of modcloth shorts: vintage khaki shorts from treefox vintage bag: h&m striped tote bag shoes: the perf sandals courtesy of modcloth glasses: 3.1 phillip lim spring 2009 t-shirt: lost at tee courtesy of modcloth shorts: vintage khaki shorts from treefox vintage bag: h&m striped tote bag shoes: the perf sandals courtesy of modcloth glasses: 3.1 phillip lim spring 2009 t-shirt: lost at tee courtesy of modcloth shorts: vintage khaki shorts from treefox vintage bag: h&m striped tote bag shoes: the perf sandals courtesy of modcloth glasses: 3.1 phillip lim spring 2009 t-shirt: lost at tee courtesy of modcloth shorts: vintage khaki shorts from treefox vintage bag: h&m striped tote bag shoes: the perf sandals courtesy of modcloth glasses: 3.1 phillip lim spring 2009


  1. I've gone back to t-shirts a bit too :p Sometimes they're just so easy!

    Bag twins! I snagged that from H&M a few weeks ago, and DHJNIGTG I wish I had bought 8! I love it! And it was so cheap and now there are none left! Boo!

  2. Gosh those windows! I'm filled with window envy!

    I too have neglected all t-shirts, in fact, I don't know if I even have a t-shirt left in my closet to wear! It certainly does seem appealing though in this hot hot heat

  3. Your neighbors are funny. I've also neglected t-shirts, but this is such a cozy and cute summer look that I'm inspired to dust them off and give them some love! Also, since I saw those shoes on you I hunted them down in white and got them. They are so cute and look super comfy!! I just hope they fit because the sizing is a hit or miss for me since they're european.

  4. i am a t-shirt lover too but sometimes get away from it! you are always so inspiring! I love it! that tee is great too! love the glasses and the shoes with it! makes it more chic for sure!

  5. It's so true that t-shirts have fallen slightly out of favor… but this inspires me to go through my pile when I get home tonight! Your glasses are awesome.

  6. I've never worn t-shirts much as I feel they tend to look best on super-fit people. But sometimes there's nothing better than a comfy t-shirt with a cute print. Looks good on you!

  7. I remember when wearing a tee shirt was so easy, and now I find it way more of a challenge to style one up and make it look as polished as I am used to looking. This is really sweet though.

    I would love to be your neighbor, this apartment looks so quaint.


  8. I went through a phase where all I wore were tshirts and hoodies (for shame), and I still have a bunch of them hanging around somewhere. I'm totally inspired to try and work them into my wardrobe again
    ♥ thanks!

  9. You look so adorable. I like your indoor pics. It's nice to see you in a different setting. That t-shirt is great. I really want one! It makes me think of breezy days and the sea! I also really want a shorts like that! I saw my very stylish wearing one yesterday.

    Embracing Style

  10. So I've been following this blog for a while, and last night I was re-watching Pulp Fiction with friends, and all of a sudden, calivintage is on the screen (my friends didn't know what I was talking about. Amateurs.). But seriously… Fabienne in Pulp Fiction is, no doubt, your official famous person doppelganger. And I felt it was my duty to inform you.

  11. So I've been following this blog for a while, and last night I was re-watching Pulp Fiction with friends, and all of a sudden, calivintage is on the screen (my friends didn't know what I was talking about. Amateurs.). But seriously… Fabienne in Pulp Fiction is, no doubt, your official famous person doppelganger. And I felt it was my duty to inform you.

  12. You look so cute in this casual outfit! I want to ruffle your hair in an un-creepy way. Those glasses are also the shit. <3

  13. I wore a sleeveless sweatshirt yesterday. THAT was weird. :) I haven't found many Tshirts I really like, but then again, I don't think I've really been looking.

  14. you are so sneaky! what a great idea for picture location though.

    that t-shirt outfit is adorable. it looks refreshingly casual, i just might try it out!

  15. How funny; I've been planning a "Graphic Tee" wardrobe series for my blog because I realized I never wear my old staple anymore. So funny you did a similar post! Love, A.

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