let’s stay inside

…and play dress up! today it is cold and rainy again and i just wasn’t in the mood to go outside. so, i put on extra makeup and did my best olivia newton-john impression. actually, that was not the intended outcome at all, but while my boyfriend was shooting these photos, he kept singing that song, “you’re the one that i want ooh ooh ooh honey…” so if i don’t look very tough, it’s because these were the shots we got in-between laughter. wow, i just took the glamour right outta that one, didn’t i?

anyway, i was just going for something that i wouldn’t normally wear, while still plucking all of the items right from my own closet. it’s not a complete 180 or anything, but my boyfriend brought up a good point: since i always dress really sweet and cute, then i will always look like a good girl trying to be bad when i change it up a bit. the only funny part about that is that i think i might surprise you if you were to know me in real life!

What are little boys made of?
What are little boys made of?
Frogs and snails
And puppy-dogs’ tails,
That’s what little boys are made of.

What are little girls made of?
What are little girls made of?
Sugar and spice
And all that’s nice,
That’s what little girls are made of.

vintage levi’s denim jacket, thrifted
vintage lace tank top, thrifted
skinny high rise skinnny jeans, j brand
vintage nine west oxfords, thrifted

going gray

oh my! bare legs in winter? thanks to the gray and cloudy weather in between rainstorms, it’s actually surprisingly not cold. i wouldn’t say it’s warm, but it’s totally bearable. anyway, after feeling a little inspired to dress up and get pretty today, i decided to try out a few new things. this is the first time i’ve scrunched up socks and worn them with my ankle boots: i owe that to the j.crew catalogs that show up in my mailbox every week. and i am wearing a necklace! and not just a necklace, but a necklace with sequins! i don’t think i’ve ever actually worn sequins before. and for that, i can thank glitzer on etsy.

i’ve been meaning to incorporate jewelry into my wardrobe for a while now, but i just didn’t know where to start. i didn’t want to go buy cheapy stuff from f21, but i wasn’t willing to run to a real jeweler and throw down $100 for a simple necklace. so i’ve found the perfect solution: bib necklaces. they’re like training wheels for adults who want to be more fancy. and well, that’s that.

oh and one last thing. i wear silly smartwool socks like these almost every day. they’re very warm and practical, but today was fun because i actually incorporated them into an outfit. i like that they created a little ombré effect with my booties. i guess you can’t tell, but they’re charcoal and gray. details, details.

cashmere cardigan, j.crew
vintage eyelet dress, ebay
sequin bib necklace, courtesy of glitzer on etsy
skinny leather belt, urban outfitters
smartwool socks, rei
platform ankle boots, payless


how to get out of a funk 101: go to the thrift store, dudes! i found both this vintage sweater and this vintage ascot polka dot blouse on a much-needed thrifting run yesterday evening. amazing how two pieces can open up a wardrobe. thanks to these two items, i got the opportunity to pull out these old huaraches from hiding and i rediscovered my old glasses which i hadn’t worn since i got those phillip lims. but most importantly, i finally figured out how to wear this beautiful steven alan skirt i recently acquired.

i’ve said this on my blog before: my ideal wardrobe would just be a mix of vintage and designer. but since i can’t really afford designer clothes, it’s a mix of designer and high street for now. but thanks to the gilt groupe sales, i might finally have my opportunity to incorporate more designer pieces into my wardrobe. if you haven’t joined, you can use my invite code. totally worth it, even if you just want to do some “window shopping.”

but moving along, since i’ve been offering you some little-known facts about myself lately, i’ll add something else into the mix: when i was in high school (from ’97 to ’01 for reference), i was totally into looking like a complete nerd. since i have really bad vision anyway, i always wore this silly pair of thick rimmed cat eye glasses and a calculator watch, and all of my pants were high waters. no joke. it was right after my punk phase and i started listening to silly post-punk emo-pop like the get up kids and mineral and the promise ring and joan of arc. phew! that was actually pretty embarrassing to admit… but i blame ian mackaye.

anyway, my high school self would have been pretty proud to know that my 26 year old self was wearing this today.

i had to include this shot. the sign in the background is the back of the grand lake theater in oakland, ca. it opened in 1926 and used to hold vaudeville and silent movie showings. they still play movies there today and it’s right within walking distance of my house!

vintage prescription glasses, thrifted
vintage burnt orange sweater, thrifted
vintage polka dot ascot blouse, thrifted
steven alan skirt, courtesy of gilt groupe
merino wool tights, wolford
vintage huaraches, thrifted
vintage coach purse, thrifted

mi familia pt. 3

this series of family photos is neverending, so i hope you all are enjoying them ok. this time i’m focusing on some fun shots of my grandmother and her brothers and sisters. this photo up top is one of my absolute favorites. they’re all having a little barbeque in the park.

from right: my great aunt cecilia “chila” cortez, my great aunt mary barbo with her husband ruben barbo, my great grandmother lorenza “blanche” roque, my grandmother evalina perez, and my great aunt ophelia “giche” bowers.

seriously, people in my family have the sweetest nicknames ever. speaking of nicknames, i actually have my own, which was given to me by my uncle ruben (who happens to be pictured above). he used to call me “blondie” because despite my naturally dark brown hair today, i was naturally blonde as a child. no joke. i’ll give you photographic evidence sometime.

now back to the pictures:

my grandmother, evalina roque perez

my grandmother, evalina roque perez

great aunt cecilia “chila” roque cortez

cecilia “chila” roque, cortez, albert roque, johnny roque, lorenza elizondo roque

ophelia “giche” roque bowers

mary roque barbo

in the spirit

man o man, the christmas spirit has finally hit me today. as in, i’m seriously grumpy today. i hate to be a debbie downer, but i have to say that today is just not my day! i’m not sick, nothing bad happened, i just don’t feel 100%. one of those days, as they say. whoever they are.

so i actually wore this exact outfit last week, but i never got around to taking pictures of it. since i wasn’t in the mood to think of an outfit today, it was an easy choice. it’s just a mix of this outfit, which i wore a few weeks ago, and this outfit, which i wore last monday. and because the lovely ms. lulu letty totally rocked some red tights with a pair of salvatore ferragamo flats the other day, which is what i wish i had instead of these old flats. but more than anything, it was just an excuse to wear these 110 denier tabio tights yet again. they are my most favorite pair of tights right now. better than my merino wool wolfords. they’re just such a thick, comfy knit, a dream to wear… and i want them in every color. hm, that is actually enough to lift my spirits just a tad!

and now i am off to do video editing because i really want to be able to post the first calivintage field trip tomorrow. oh, the anticipation!

cashmere cardigan, j.crew
vintage plaid blouse, thrifted
interlock mini skirt, american apparel
110 denier tights, courtesy of tabio
flats, juicy couture
vintage coach dr. bag, ebay

spots and stripes

i know my last post was about bike style, but i did not turn around and hop on my bike today. (though i do think this would be a nice outfit for a ride on a warmer day.) but instead, i had some super fun and super secret business to attend to. i’m back from that, and now i get to spend the rest of my afternoon getting work done so i can premiere my first calivintage field trip, complete with video. weee!

anyway, in honor of the unseasonably cold weather we’re experiencing here in california, i decided to go out and stand in front of some interesting cacti and succulents. they look so pretty, but i’m sure they’re feeling just as cold as i am out here. though i do have an extra layer of smart wool socks hidden underneath my riding boots, so i’m doing just fine. the only thing i wish i had was a nice pair of vintage gloves. maybe in a lipstick red, no?

i kinda really need to do some shopping. hopefully this weekend! besides looking for new clothes and accessories, we really need to get some heavy curtains for the apartment. like most buildings in the area, our apartment has zero insulation and the same creaky old windows that were built with the house back in the 20’s. this means that when it actually does hit freezing here like it did last night, we all get a little too chilly indoors!

oh hello, little hummingbird! so nice of you to stop by.

vintage navy blazer, thrifted
vintage striped dress, ebay
skinny belt, urban outfitters
little heart tights, tabio
knee socks, drug store
vintage nine west riding boots, idol vintage
vintage coach purse, thrifted

a jeans and t-shirt kind of day

no, i did not take anyone’s suggestions for today’s outfit. i tried and tried and made a big ol’ mess in my bedroom, but in the end i decided to go for a plain old jeans and t-shirt look. well, now i’m wearing a t-shirt, but i did wear the lace shell for a couple of hours and will probably put it back on when i go out tonight. but really, i just couldn’t help myself. i had to wear the new custom jeans i got from indidenim! they are exactly what i asked for: high rise skinnies with a 12″ leg opening and a slightly longer length. they fit like a glove. especially since i gained a few lbs while eating constantly during my long thanksgiving weekend. seriously. but those will drop off in a few more days anyway. and i’m not complaining. the food was delicious.

anyway, i actually went on a little field trip to the indidenim offices as part of a new feature i am going to be introducing to the blog. i’ve decided to start a series in which i go on various field trips to local small and independent businesses that i love (vintage shops, boutiques, etc), take a few behind-the-scenes shots, and report back to my blog to tell you all about it. it will include video. think of it like mister rogers’ neighborhood when he went on tours of factories, except i’ll be showing you how to pick a custom pair of jeans instead of how crayons are made. more on that very soon.

but in the meantime, i will be trying some new outfits with the suggestions and ideas you gave me. i might even wear leggings. who knows? such mystery, such intrigue…

cashmere cardigan, j.crew
vintage lace shell, estate sale
custom made high rise skinny jeans, indidenim
platform ankle boots, payless
vintage coach purse, thrifted

mi familia pt. 2

jose perez and family

thank you so much for the overwhelmingly positive response i got from my first post of old family portraits. i didn’t think a whole lot about it at first, but after posting them i felt very good about contributing my teeny tiny bit of history to the public archive. i don’t know if i’ve ever really seen such old photographs representing mexicans in america from that long ago besides the ones i’ve found in boxes in my grandmother’s closet, so i’m very glad to share them, and i do have more!

i especially appreciated hearing from threadbared and fashion for writers, who were both very happy to see representation of people of color in vintage photographs and are both going to be posting some of their own vintage family photos on their blogs soon. very cool!

anyway, for my next installation i’ve decided to post some more casual shots. the portraits i posted in my last post were very old, from as early as the 1910’s, so i imagine it was a much more eventful thing to get your picture taken. they got dressed up in their best clothes and patiently stood in front of the camera with an expressionless gaze. as time moved on, cameras became more commonplace so we start to see more relaxed shots. i particularly like these because those are just the types of dresses i love to find at estate sales!

lorenza elizondo roque (my great-grandmother) and family

mary elizondo espino

lorenza elizondo roque

lorenza elizondo roque

mi familia

jose and esther perez

phew! i just got back from my holiday weekend and i’m still recovering from three straight days of eating. when i go back home to visit, i always stay with my grandma, who has a talent for waking me up to bacon, hash-browns, eggs, and tortillas with home-made salsa every day. not to mention, the ridiculously large thanksgiving dinner which we began eating on thursday afternoon and almost finished by saturday.

so since the holidays often mean family, i decided to do a blog post about just that! i’ve been begging my aunt julie to send me family photos for months, so i was especially excited when she handed me a cd filled with old pictures that she scanned onto her computer. so thanks to julie and the wonders of modern technology, i am finally going to debut some of the perez family photo albums.

for the sake of space, i’ll probably be posting up my favorite pictures over several blog posts. it’s just so hard to pick which ones i like! for today, i am posting some of my favorite professional portraits. i love looking at these since it looks like it was such a formal affair to get all dressed up and stand rigidly in front of the camera. if you want to see all of the images i have uploaded so far, you can check them out at my flickr. i’ll probably be adding the entire collection over the next few days.


betty garcia

angelina roque


telesflora roque

pedro roque

maria ventura elizondo

black and blue

well, the holidays are approaching. i don’t know quite what it is, but i can certainly feel it in the air. my outfits are getting more casual, i’m losing the motivation to get work done, and today i’m blogging from my boyfriend’s parents house! we’re here to relax and hang out for the evening. my almost-day-off got me thinking: i’m going to be out of town for several days coming up, and i might have to actually pull away from the internet and leave the blog on vacation! it’s probably a good thing because now that the semester at school is over, i really do need a good break. and what better way than to enjoy a big thanksgiving dinner with family?

so in fitting with the mood, i dressed very casually today. no frills. and i was entertained by the way it came out: i’ve got black and blue, highs and lows, silver and gold. almost my entire outfit was vintage found in thrift shops for a few dollars each, except for my fancy pants j brand jeans. and i’ve had this men’s watch forever, but i hardly ever wear it! in fact, i think i’ve had these boots for 2 years and i never wore them until today. it’s kind of amazing how i still struggle to think of an outfit to wear some days when there are so many items in my closet that i haven’t even worn yet. but sometimes i’m just waiting for the right opportunity to wear it. does that ever happen to you?

vintage navy blue puff sleeved blazer, thrifted
vintage plaid blouse, thrifted
high rise skinny jeans, j brand
vintage justin roper boots, thrifted
gold and silver timex watch, target